Chapter 15 (M) 18+

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Jimin laid on his bed peacefully, scrolling through his phone. He didn't know why but these days it felt as if his back was always in pain. He stood up to get ready to shower before the door to his room swung open, and to no one's surprise- 

"Jiminie!" Taehyung shouted before jumping to his back and clinging tightly. Jimin let out a yelp before the both of them stumbled backward onto the floor.

Taehyung only giggled cutely while Jimin glared at him halfheartedly.

"Seriously, can't you greet me normally?" 

"Where's the fun in that? Anyway, I got you something!" Taehyung grinned, and shoved a small paper bag to his face, he hadn't noticed it when he came in.

The latter raised a brow, he suspiciously peeked in the bag,

Jimin's face lit up, taking the items out of the bag.

"You should try them on! You'd look cute in them, then we can show the others huh?" He smirked, 

The heat from his words struck Jimin slightly. On the contrary, the outfits were cute. It was a bunny costume and a maid outfit with good quality. He wondered how Taehyung got a hand of this stuff. 

"I guess I should," Jimin stood up and went to the bathroom, unaware of the devilish smirk behind him.

He held the bunny costume in his hands, the soft leather quality sent shivers down his spine. Without wasting any more time, he stripped from his morning clothes and slipped on the costume. He fumbled inside the bag for the collar and the headband. Looking at himself in the mirror, he gasped.


He trailed his hands over the leather, it looked nice. It felt nice. His body perfectly shaped the costume, his curves standing out to the fullest. He knew his body looked good, but looking at himself like this sent a familiar heat coiling in his stomach.

"Jimin? You done?" Taehyung called from the other side.

He flinched, can he even show this outside of his bathroom? this feels a bit...

"Ah! W-well, one minute-" Maybe he should just wear the maid outfit instead.

The door swung open because it was Taehyung of course. He should've known better. 

Taehyung looked at him up and down, his eyes hooded. 

"You look nice." 


"Oh? Uh, thanks," 

Neither of them made a move, the tension was thick and the room was warmer than it was before.

Taehyung approached him slowly, his face with an unreadable expression that had Jimin backing away just a bit. He wasn't scared, he was confused. 

He was inches away from Taehyung, he knew he was short but having him so close like this really emphasized that fact. 

"Turn around" 

Taehyung said- no, commanded. Jimin turned around slowly, he faced the mirror and saw Taehyung staring back right at him before his gaze lowered.

"You look nice from this view too," Taehyung said with a smirk playing at his lips. Jimin blushed fiercely, he squawked indignantly. 

"Hah?! You perverted-!" Jimin's insult was cut short when the taller suddenly closed the distance between them. His back stuck to Taehyung's chest. A pair of hands holding him gently at the waist and keeping him in balance. 

"Can I?  Please," Taehyung whispered breathlessly in his ear, they looked at their reflection in the mirror. 

"yes.." Jimin's voice was broken despite the lack of action they've been doing.

Taehyung wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist and ground his crotch slowly on Jimin's ass, 

"fuck..."  Taehyung cursed at the friction, his pretty face warping into a pleasured expression. Jimin whined, embarrassed and hopelessly turned on at the sight before him. Seeing his best friend of years grind into him helplessly was a sight he never knew he longed for. 

The sound of the fabric against leather resonated in the bathroom. Jimin bit his lip to hide his little moans. 

"hah- ah... feels s-so good," Taehyung moaned and huffed. His hard length grinding across Jimin's ass. 

Taehyung bit the meat on his neck harshly, causing a loud moan to erupt from Jimin, his legs almost failing as Taehyung used him. 

"Can I come on you? Fuck Jimin, it'd look so good on you, " Taehyung whispered harshly in his ear, Jimin could only nod as Taehyung continued to suck and kiss along his neck.

Taehyung pulled his sweats down fast and let his length sprung free, smacking slightly on Jimin's ass. He moaned. Taehyung stroked fast and came hard on Jimin, the cum staining the new outfit and Jimin's legs. 

They both breathed harshly, their faces red and spent. 

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