Chapter 13

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The silence stretched out between the bandmates, the room suddenly felt hot again as the tension grew thicker by the second. 

What did Jimin say?

"I liked it," Jimin had blurted out despite the warnings going off in his head.

He could see the faces of his own friends flush as his words sink in. They stared at him as if waiting for him to take back said words. Jimin felt his face burn in the scrutiny from them, he turned away. Maybe he shouldn't have been so forward? He didn't even mean to say that out loud!

"Uh, S-sorry-" He's mumbling again, god! when did he become so much like a highschool girl? He felt like an idiot.

"Wait," Namjoon stopped him just before he could run away in shame,

"We need to talk about this, properly this time." Their leader's voice left no room for excuses. They were supposed to be talking about this the other time but they unfortunately got...distracted

"Talk about... what?" Jimin felt nervous all of a sudden,

"Let's sit down in the living room, come on," Jin suggested.


Jimin sat with his knees to his chest, he tried his best to stay comfortable and calm. Silence engulfed the room once again, less awkward this time. Namjoon started by clearing his throat.

"So, as we all know Jimin has a situation at the moment," He started, 

All eyes were on him again, as usual. He was never bothered by this, in fact, he knew that whenever he was in the room usually people would stare at him. Be it at award shows, events, or whatever. But why is this situation so different now? he felt like he couldn't breathe properly all of a sudden, The heat of their gazes intensified. 

"Jimin, I know you're still the same and the situation you are facing right now does not make you less of a person you were before. But you have to remember that we're all men in this house. And you're... yeah,

"We're not saying it's your fault, but in the meantime, we should get some space from each other. We know what happened uh, ehem, last time," Jin added.

Jimin finally understood. holy crap he's dumb. 

The reason they were avoiding him is because



He was mortified at the fact that he liked it. 

"Especially you, Taehyung." Yoongi had reminded. 

Taehyung merely pouted and nodded his head nevertheless.

"But, I wasn't-" Jimin started but he can't seem to finish his sentence.

He needed to word this carefully, he doesn't wanna risk making it awkward for the rest of their lives!

"I wasn't... I wasn't uncomfortable?" Way to go in wording it carefully, Jimin.

He could feel the others tense up, their eyes widening at Jimin. Maybe he could just dig a hole and die from embarrassment. But there was no turning back now! He has to say it for god sake, he's a grown-ass man, CEO of big hit!  Well, a woman at the moment but that does NOT change anything.

"I liked it, as I said. I wouldn't mind doing it... a-again,"

"Jimin..." Hoseok sounded breathless.

"If I- If we continue doing that..." Yoongi sounded unsure.

If they did that to Jimin how could they ever be normal again?  Things would be awkward once this situation finally ends and Jimin turns back to normal, It would be a real problem for the band. 

But Jimin. 

Jimin wanted it.

"It's just temporary, right? We're just helping Jimin-hyung... I don't think there's anything wrong with that," Jungkook said, a faint blush on his cheeks.

It sounded so stupid, once again. They were making stupid choices. 

Namjoon sighed, "Yeah, I guess?" They beamed, now that the leader agreed there shouldn't be a problem right? 


Jin and Yoongi exchanged a look. 

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