Birthday Suprise- Both

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Y/n's Pov

Today is the twins birthday and we are throwing a surprise birthday party. I told Cameron and Sean to take them out while me, Emma, Lisa, Gabbie my sister and Brandon decorate.

I grab the balloons and blow them up, I tie them and just throw them on the floor.

Y/n- Brandon, Emma put the "happy birthday" banner up
Emma- Brandon bring your ass here!
Brandon- Huh?

He was shoving chips in his mouth we all laugh, Lisa puts her hand on her waist and raised an eyebrow. Brandon awkwardly smiles.

Brandon- Sorry
Lisa- It's ok but save some for the party Brandon

He chuckles and helps Emma put the banner up. I call Cam to make sure everything is ok.

Cam- Wassup bitch!
Y/n- Are you guys having fun?
Cam- Yeah but Ethan is complaining about his ice cream
Y/n- Why?
Cam- Cause it's not dairy free
Y/n- Jesus
Cam- Tell me about it
Y/n- How about Gray?
Cam- He's ok
Y/n- Great so how long are you gonna be out?
Cam- for about another hour and a half

I hear Ethan yell "WHAT?!" I laugh

Cam- Here we go again... I'll call you back bitch

I laugh and hang up, Gabbie walks inside the house holding the cake. I am so excited! She opens the box revealing the cake I ordered... Perfection!

Gabbie- I know what you're thinking... perfection
Y/n- Yup... Put the cake in the fridge and help me with the food and snacks

She nods, Emma and Brandon finished with the decorating so they helped us in the kitchen. We fill the bowls with chips, popcorn and more. I cut up some fruit and make some guac, we fix everything and wait for them. I hear voices... It's them!

Lisa- They're here!
Y/n- Places everyone!
Gabbie- The cake!

Gabbie carefully hands me the cake, the lit up the candles and wait for them to come in. I hear the door slowly unlocking, they come in and we all yell "SURPRISE!". The twins scream.

Ethan- OMG!
Grayson- JESUS!

We all sing "Happy birthday" and I walk up to them and they blow the candles. I put the cake down and hug them.

Ethan- Thank you!
Grayson- Thanks babe

He pecks my lips, they all hug them. We all go inside the kitchen and grab our food then go to the living room to play a few games and talk.

Sean- Ok guys it's present time!

Sean gets up and grabs his gift.

Sean- here you go it's from me and mom boys

He hands them their gifts, they open it  they smile widely.

Grayson- Thanks dad...and mom
Y/n- What is it?

I look inside the boxes

Y/n- Toys?
Ethan- Our favourite toys when we were kids
Grayson- We asked for them a few months ago... They are really important to us
Ethan- Yup

Ethan says and plays a little bit with his action figure, we laugh.

Emma- My turn!

She hands them their gifts.

Ethan- Damn Emma Loui Vuitton?
Grayson- Thanks Emma

They hug her, Gabbie and Brandon give they're gifts leaving me last.

Grayson- Last but not least Y/n
Y/n- Just a sec...

I get up and go grab they're gift, I sit back down and give it to them. They smile and open it.

Grayson- Car keys?
Ethan- You got 2 cars?
Y/n- Not just any cars check

They check and they gasp and scream.

Grayson- WTF?!

They both tear up and hug me.

Emma- How did you afford to buy 2 expensive ass cars?
Y/n- Me and Gabbie come from a rich family but we didn't wanna tell you guys cause we didn't want to brag
Brandon- I can't believe you guys have been keeping this secret from us... I expect a nice bday gift on my birthday just kidding

We laugh

Grayson- So where are the cars?
Y/n- Garage

They get up and run to the garage, the open the door and see the cars.

Grayson- Oh you're so beautiful
Ethan- Perfection!

They hugs they're cars, we all laugh. I playfully my eyes.

-after the party-

They all left so I gave my second birthday gift to Grayson if you know what I mean *wink*. I cuddle up with him.

Grayson-  ~~Fuck... The car was such a great gift princess but this one was better

He groans and bites his lip. I chuckle and peck his lips, I put my head on his chest and we both slowly fell asleep.

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