Baby- Ethan Dolan

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Y/n's Pov

I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet, Ethan runs inside holding my hair up and lightly patting my back. I stop puking and get up, I wipe my mouth with water.

Ethan- Babe this is the 5 time this week are you ok?
Y/n- Yeah
Ethan- We should go to visit Dr Mendez
Y/n- No I'm fine really
Ethan- If you say so... Anyways I have to go coach needs me for a quick job since I'll be the captain of the football team next year
Y/n- Will be seniors next year
Ethan- Yup

He kisses my forehead and leaves to get ready. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I change into a simple crop top and shorts, I make a smoothie bowl and top it up with fruit and shredded coconut.

-after breakfast-

I wash the dishes and my stomach felt weird. I drop the bowl in the sink and run to the bathroom again, I start throwing up... Again. I get up and wipe my mouth, throwing 2 times in just a few minutes? No that's normal.

I put on my shoes, grab my car keys and go to the nearest pharmacy.

-skip ride-

I get out of my car and enter the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. I give the cashier the money and go back inside my car, I drive back home as fast as I could. I enter the apartment and take the test, god if I'm pregnant...What am I gonna tell Ethan? I wait for a few minutes...

-few minutes later-

I go back inside the bathroom and check the test...Positive. I did 2 different pregnancy tests to make sure, I check it...Also positive.

I fall to the floor and start crying...I'm only 17! I'm not sure should I keep the baby or no? I get up and go to the living room to call my best friend.

Veronica- Hey bitch

I sob and Veronica realised something was wrong.

Veronica- Y/n are you ok?
Y/n- I don't know but can you please come over?
Veronica- Of course I'm coming now

She hangs up, I sigh and wipe my tears. After a few minutes I hear a knock on the door, I open the door and Veronica comes in and gives me the biggest hug. I start crying and she hugs me, we enter the living room and sit down.

Veronica- What happened mi amor?
Y/n- I-I'm pregnant
Veronica- What?
Y/n- Yeah and I don't know if I should tell Ethan or no... I don't know if I should keep it or you know
Veronica- You are not aborting it you have an angel growing in you
Y/n- But I'm just 17 and I'm going to be a senior... I'm not missing my senior year
Veronica- Y/n think about it love... Cmon there's a baby in you and I don't have anything better to say but I'd love to be an aunt to your baby

I smile and hug her.

Y/n- I'm gonna keep the baby but what about Ethan? What if he wants me to abort it or leaves me?
Veronica- He would never do that but if he doesn't like it that you're pregnant then I'll help you with everything else
Y/n- You are the fucking best

I hug her we talk a little bit and then she left. I wait for Ethan to come home, I pace around the room then I hear the door opening.

Ethan- I'm back!

I run up to him and hug him, he wraps his arms around my waist. He's touch is the best thing ever... I can't imagine losing him.

I drag him to the living room and we sit on the couch.

Y/n- Look Ethan... I want to tell you something
Ethan- Go for it
Y/n- Please don't get mad cause it won't make things easier and you can get involved as much as you want or not at all
Ethan- Ok? Babe you're making me nervous what's going on
Y/n- Eth-Ethan I'm p-pregnant
Ethan- What...?

He stayed silent... Is this a good thing?
He stayed silent for 2 minutes straight

Y/n- Ethan if you're not gonna say anything then I will... Goodbye

I get up, he grabs my wrist and gets up. He kisses me and hugs me.

Y/n- I don't get it... Are you mad or just crazy?
Ethan- Babe I'm just shocked
Y/n- Are you ok that I'm pregnant?
Ethan- I'm better than ok babe the love of my life is carrying my baby!

He picks me up and kisses me, I smile oh thank god.

-skip to 9 months later-

Y/n- ETHAN!!

Ethan runs inside the bedroom with a worried face!

Ethan- Is everything ok?!
Y/n- Get the bags! My water broke!
Ethan- What?! I-I
Ethan- Right ummm bags!

He started panicking and ran around the apartment and grabbed the bags, he helped me get up and we went downstairs to the parking lot. Ethan starts driving to the hospital while I call all of my friends and family.

I first call Lisa and Sean Ethan's parents and my parents. Then I call Veronica and Grayson. I call Liam and Lana my brother and sister then call Cameron the twins older sister.

Ethan- We're here!

He parks the car and helps me get out. We enter the hospital and a nurse leads us to my room.

Nurse- Dr Mendez will be coming in a little while for now just relax and put this on
Ethan- Can we have visitors?
Nurse- Of course

She hands me a hospital gown, I go inside the bathroom and put it on. I lie on the bed and try to get comfortable. I felt a contraction.

Y/n- Ethan

He gets up and holds my hand,I squeeze it. He kisses my forehead and then Dr Mendez walks in.

Y/n- Hi Dr Mendez
Dr Mendez- Hi honey feeling ok?
Y/n- Just had a contraction but all ok
Dr Mendez- Ok as you know we have to wait till you're cervix opens all the way
Y/n- 10cm right?
Dr Mendez: Yup I'll be back for now just relax

I smile and she leaves, Ethan was on his phone. Veronica and Grayson walk in, Grayson was holding a teddy bear and Veronica was holding a bunch of balloons.

Veronica- Hey bitch how are you feeling?
Y/n- Ok
Grayson-Here's a teddy bear
Veronica- I got balloons
Ethan- Hey bro
Grayson- Hey Eth

They bro hug, Veronica hugs me and sits on one of the chairs.

Veronica- Are you're parents coming?
Y/n- Yeah they're on their way
Grayson- Ethan is mom and dad coming?
Ethan- Yeah and Cam
Grayson- I'm gonna be an uncle!
Veronica- Gray come with me I'm hungry
Grayson- ok

Veronica kisses my forehead and they leave. I felt another contraction, I press my lips together and whine. Ethan gets up and holds my hand, I sigh. He kisses me and hugs me.

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