Airport Pt. 2- Grayson Dolan

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Y/n's Pov

I check the dm...

Grayson: Hey umm I was wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with me and my family :)

Me: Ummm just a sec

I grab a cookie and take a bite, I offer my niece a bite and she ate the whole thing. I chuckle and grab another cookie.

Y/n- Hey umm do you guys mind if a friend of mine and his family spend Christmas with us?
Mom- No problem honey
Dad- Who is it though?
Y/n- Grayson
Dad- Oooooh the twins we met at the airport...sure no problem

I smile and go back to talking to Grayson.

Me: Hey Gray you guys can come over on Christmas day here

Grayson- Great! Can't wait to see you again babygirl

I playfully roll my eyes

Me: You are such a flirt

Grayson: I know

Me: Anyways I gotta go I'm watching a movie with my family

Grayson: Ok maybe we can talk later?

Me: Ofc 😊

He leaves me on seen, I blush a little and put my phone down.

-After the movie-

Everybody went to bed, I grab my phone and send a dm to Grayson.

Me: Hey Gray you asleep?

Grayson: No

Me: I was wondering if u wanted to have breakfast at my house

Grayson: Pancakes?

Me: Ofc!

Grayson: I'll be there!

I laugh

Me: Bring your dumbass brother too

Grayson: Ok 😂

Me: Anws I'm getting tired so see you tomorrow

Grayson: Yup night Y/n

Me: Night Gray

I put my phone down and go to bed.

-next morning-

I wake up from the rays of the sun hitting my face, I turn around and slowly open my eyes. I grab my phone and Grayson sent me a text.

Grayson: Hey Y/n umm can u tell me ur address?

I send him the address and drag myself out of bed, I take a shower and brush my teeth and do my skin care. I change into this

I put my hair up on a messy bun and go downstairs, surprisingly the twins were already there

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I put my hair up on a messy bun and go downstairs, surprisingly the twins were already there. I wave at them and hug them, we all sit around the table and eat breakfast.

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