chapter three

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My head buried in my hands, I tapped my foot rapidly and anxiously, waiting for something. I couldn't believe how lucky we were. The way we were standing side by side and Hunter Walters-as I recently learned- was holding the gun to the side of our head. When she jumped, it threw Hunter off. The bullet grazed her head and they put her in emergency surgery. Hot tears splashed on my jeans. She's been there for over an hour.

"Spencer Reid?" Someone asked. I jerked my head up.
"I'm sorry, we still have no news on your girlfriend. But we do have a few people here to see you." I smiled. One by one J.J, Morgan and Emily came in.

"We came here as soon as we can. Any news?"
I shook my head.
"The others couldn't make it. I'm sorry Spence." She pulled me in a comforting hug.
We sat there in silence for a bit again. The nurse that had just been here returned this
time with a smile on her face.

"Wait a second, this is my job." She laughed. "Your girlfriend is out of surgery and stable. She's very lucky. It's a miracle alright. You can come see her for a few minutes but there will be post check ups, some scans and X-Rays. So far there are no signs of any brain damage."
"This is great!" I got to my feet quickly.
"Good luck." They smiled flashing me thumbs up.

We walked down the brightly light halls of the emergency ward, filled with all sorts of patients. My heart clammered against my chest violently. We came to a room at the end of a hall.

"Doctor Reid, we're going to need you to talk calmly to your girlfriend. She has a major concussion, and some staples in her head. She's taking the situation all very calm though. But she does seem a bit frantic talking about someone. It's hard to understand her right now but just. You know I'll explain more later. Come in." She finished finally.

"Bethany?" I asked quietly. Slowly she turned around and began to scream. Scream bloody murder. She screamed louder and harder than I'd ever heard. This just kept going over and over again. She dropped to the ground cowering and began to sob. All the doctors suddenly turned their heads toward the now hysterical girl. I took a single step forward and instantly regretted it. Bethany threw herself at me swinging her fists and kicking, screaming profanities and crying all the while.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The nurse asked me again.
"Clearly, something is wrong, and there's a good chance you may be the source."

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