chapter seven

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A/N: hey guys! You wanna have a whole new respect for Diana and Spencer? YouTube Schizophrenia Simulators. And for anyone who read my last chapter and was like "WTF?" do some research ( no offense :/ )


'You think they want to see you?'
'You can't do anything useful.'
'Haha, she's going to be there. She hates you.'
'Stupid waste of space, you only burden them.'
'They don't need you.'
'Be careful, you moron. They're going to get you.'
'Don't trust them, they are trying to hurt you Spencer.'
'Another day of things you don't need to do.'
'You aren't going to help save anyone.'
'You should just kill yourself you pathetic little-'

"Stop it! Just cut it out!" I shout down the hallway to nobody. "My team does care."
This just erupted another war of insults. Still I dragged myself out of bed and continued to get ready, working to ignore them. I hurried to throw an outfit together, brush my hair and teeth, and finish drinking a scalding coffee.

Grabbing my bag, I step outside and regret it. I slide on sunglasses over my eyes, that also cover the dark circles. I haven't slept for the past two days. My method of dealing with Bethany's mental state so far is tucking my feelings and thoughts away. My heart is still agonizing with trying to comprehend the severity and realness of the situation. Now I have to face them head on.

As I continue to get lost in my thoughts I drive to work. That stubborn woman is coming back already. I pull into the assigned parking space and head inside. The mood inside the bullpen is nothing but gloomy. Awkward stillness was so thick in the air you could almost pull chunks from it. I turned around finding myself face to face with Bethany. The sight of her made my heart wretch. Her gray eyes lacked their usual intensity and she, like myself, had heavy bags under her eyes. Bethany's blonde ringlets were tucked away in a smooth bun, and there were 4 short scratches on either side of her head that extend to her eye as if she had dragged her nails to create them.

She wore a ruffled skirt- black with large gold polka dots, a black sweater and gold flats. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she swallowed and kept walking until she walked into our office. I stood there frozen in my place.

'Idiot! You could've said something.'
'Predictable, all aboard the fail boat.'
'It's alright, we all knew you couldn't do it.'

I shook head, waving them away. After we all had gathered in the bullpen Garcia broke the awkward silence.

"We um, have a new case." She mumbled.
"Briefing room in five." Hotch said quietly. It was weird hearing the most objective, authoritative person among us be affected by the current situation. We nodded our heads and gathered materials. Coffee, notepad and a pencil. Eventually the team all migrated to the briefing room. People had started to warm up and talk. She sat at the opposite end of the table, avoiding staring at me.

"Well ladies and gents, let's get crackin'. Images on your tablets, but yes dear they'll be pulled up her for you." Garcia smiled at me.
"Thank you."
"Anything for you my sweet. Moving on, this is Tayiesha Jacobson- age 24." A woman with warm skin and dark coiled hair, a bright smile grinned back at us. She was found inside her home just 2 weeks ago." A young figure lay sprawled across the floor, knife in her chest. That's not what was intriguing- the wall behind it was. A beautiful [which I felt sick for saying so] mural was spread out across the wall in crimson. The mural depicted screaming souls of the damned, fire, and foreign language. I frowned trying to figure it out.

"Next we have Eric Walker, 64, found a week and a half ago in his home." An older man stared into the sky with cold, glassy eyes found in the same condition Tayiesha. A mural this time showed a person alone in dark halls screaming. Help me was written in all caps on the walls of the painting. Twisted and breathtaking I stared at the detailed painting. We looked at a few more and I popped the question.

"Garcia, where are all these?"
She smiled at me sadly.
"You caught me doc. This case bring us to your hometown, The City of Sins."

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