the stage was dark, no lights and no sound giving away what would come next. there was a hum going over the crowd, nothing but anticipation and hands gripping onto plastic cups of liquor to help calm those energetic nerves for seeing someone they admired.
it started with a glow of red light across the stage, not quite revealing anything yet but adding to the excitement in the arena as the volume increased and people started to stomp their feet. no one was sitting any longer, not as the steady beat of a drum came in and the subtle strum of a guitar on every down beat.
there was nothing like it. the way that anticipation seemed to increase and just waiting for those lights to shoot on and illuminate the stage. the darkness seemed to create this ominous waiting, everyone knew what was coming. that steady beat and strum was so distinct, everyone knew the words that would follow and the shouts that would want to drown them out but stood no chance.
"bought a beat up six string in a second hand store. didn't know how to play it, but i knew for sure."
the way his voice went low at the end of the verse, sending shivers and screams over the crowd. the stage glowed, shining spotlights on the lead singer and all his glory, standing there in a suit no one else could pull off. he felt them too, the shivers that went down his spine at singing the words so familiar to him. his body moved with the beat, his leg jutting out to his each and every one.
it was steady still, that build up to the break in the music where it was all released and had everyone living their best listening to one of the greatest hits. taehyung smirked up there on the stage. he knew he had all them in the palm of his hands — and he was never letting go.
"just one guitar somewhere down low. was a one way ticket, only one way to go."
yoongi loved this part, where he could come in and hold nothing back on the drums, seeing the way his friend hit every beat with either a kick or a fist to the air. taehyung tore off the mic from the stand as the chorus came, leaving never back and wanting his soul to sing everything for him.
"so i started rockin'. ain't never gonna stop no! gotta keep on rockin'. some day i'm gonna make it to the top and sing."
he had made it to the top, but maybe he thought there was more. maybe that's why he kept singing these songs and thinking he never reached his true potential, never got everything he really wanted. those weren't things taehyung wanted to think about now, not when he was in his paradise and letting himself get blinded by the lights and the drowned by the screams of his lyrics and his own name.