3- Nightmares

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3 years later

The woods are quite. Nothing moves. It's like the whole world has taken a breath, to watch and wait.


There! I turn and see it. A huge buck. He grazes, blissfully unaware of the danger he's in.

I lick my lips and growl. My wolffish instincts taking over.

I burst from my hiding bush and give chase. The deer doesn't make it very far. I dig my claws into its back and trap its neck in my mouth, crushing it.

The animal fights for a second before it goes limp in my grasp. Finally I can eat.


My ears perk up. I look for the source of the sound.

A man

Something shines in the moonlight.

A gun.

I growl and snap at the man.

He steps out of the shadows. His face is familiar, though I've long forgotten his name. He was important to me I can feel it.

He was a friend


He was more.

A lover.

The man lifts the gun and aims it at me.

"No please." I cry.

He doesn't respond.


I sit up in bed. My heart beating rapidly. My breathing shallow. "Curse these nightmares!" I mutter under my breath.

Every since I've come to hell these stupid nightmares have plagued my sleep. Nothing I do stops them. No magic, no spells, nothing.

I sigh as I swing my legs over the side of the bed. I stretch and head to the bathroom. The light is blinding. I turn on the faucet and splash cold water on my face.

I look in the mirror. My (E/C) eyes are dull and my (H/L) (H/C) hair is a mess, my ears lay flat against my head.

"Come on get a grip, (Y/N)." I scold myself.

I leave the bathroom and make my way down to the kitchen, knowing sleep won't come. I sigh as I sit at the table.

My shadow appears and drops a bottle of whisky next to me.

"Thanks." I mumble, as I pop off the lid and down the whole bottle. The liquid burns my throat, but I welcome the feeling.

"I'm going out." I say as I stand from the table.


"To clear my head." I growl.

I snap my fingers and my sleep wear changes to my normal clothes. I open the front door and slam it on my way out. I breathe in the fresh woodland smell as I make my way into the city.

-little time skip because I'm lazy-

Demons clear a path for me as I walk down these disgusting streets. No one dares cross my path.

I enter one of my favorite pubs. My wolffish instinct craving venison, but I am in no mood to go hunting so I must settle for the next best thing. I sit myself at an empty corner booth. All the demons in the pub are to out of it and drunk to notice my presence.

A waitress arrives at my table, her multicolored hair shinning in the neon lights of the pub. "What can I get for you to drink?" She asks, her voice light and airy, with a hint of fear.

"Some whiskey, just bring out the whole bottle."

She's about to turn away when I call out again, causing her to jump a bit.

"And tell the chef (Y/N) is here. He knows what to make."

The small demon nods and scurries off. I sigh as I watch the demons around me.

"Is this seat taken?"

I glance up at the tv headed demon and roll my eyes.

"Go ahead Vox." I mutter. I am not in the mood for company but he would sit down even if I said yes.

"I didn't take you as the late night drinker. What's on your mind?" He asks as he sits.

"That's none of your business." I growl in annoyance.

"Come on dear you can tell me." A smirk playing on his pixelated face.

"No I will not tell you, now what do you want? You didn't come over here for small talk." I lean back and cross my arms, eyeing him skeptically.

"What if I told you I just wanted to be in you dazzling presence." He said.

"Bullshit." I scoff.

He's about to respond when the waitress returns to my table with my bottle of whiskey. I nod a thanks.

"Your food will be out shortly." The waitress says.

"Thank you." I say as she scurries off once again.

Vox raises an eyebrow at me.

"What? Just because I'm an overlord doesn't mean I have to be an ass all the time." I grab the bottle and open it up, taking a huge gulp.

"You shouldn't concern yourself with such lowlifes." He says.

I roll my eyes. And take another gulp, the welcoming burning feeling on my throat, soothing my nerves. "Why are you here?" I ask.

"I've been thinking." He starts.

"That's dangerous." I say.

Ignoring my remark he continues, "you're a strong overlord and I'm a strong overlord, we could be stronger-"

"No." I say.

"You didn't even let me finish."

"I don't care, no! I'm not joining you, I have no interest in being part of your little group." I take another swig of the whiskey.

"Come on we could be unstoppable."

Before I can answer the waitress returns with my venison. I thank her and start digging in. "Has it ever crossed your small, flat mind that maybe I don't want to be unstoppable."

"Nonsense, every overlord wants to be the best. And my group is the best of the best."

I scoff at his statement and roll my eyes. He narrows his eyes at me. I look down at my food, Vox is one of the only demons in hell that can rival me. We've never actually had a fight so as of right now we don't know who would come out on top.

I'm about to say something when a surge of power makes me pause. It felt like something or someone powerful entered hell. I glance up a Vox, the look on his face says he felt it too.

"Look out Vox, looks like a new powerful demon has entered hell. Better watch your back." I smirk.

He rolls his eyes, "One little demon is no concern of mine."

"Oh I don't know, they seemed pretty powerful." I say.

I finish my meal and drain the rest of the whiskey. I slam some money on the table and stand, "thanks for your most interesting company." I say, my voice rich with sarcasm.

I snap my fingers and teleport to my home.

Date written- 7-8-2020
Words- 1116

Who could this new demon be~? Definitely not *cough* *cough* Radio *cough* Demon *cough* *cough*. Anyway...


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