40- Confrontation

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Your POV

I stare at Al. His smile is sinister, his eyes are radio dials. I can feel the power radiating off of him in a challenging way.

"Al?" I take a careful step closer, my arms raised to show I mean no harm.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." He seethes. His radio dial eyes going crazy and his antlers growing.

My heart cracks when I hear him say that. "Al please listen." I beg.

"Why should I listen when all that comes out of that filthy mouth are lies." He hisses, taking a step forward.

"Al please. Y-you said you'd never hurt me." I take a step back as he gets really close.

"Looks like we both said things we didn't mean."

A tear slips silently down my cheek as his words cut into my heart. I look down at my feet, "I'm sorry. I should have told you who I was from the beginning. I couldn't though, I was scared. I-"

I'm cut off by a clawed hand wrapping around my throat. My eyes widen as my airways close. Tears collect in my eyes and my lungs scream for oxygen.

"A-al. Please."

His grip on my throat tightens. "It's time to pay dear. A long and painful death should suffice." He slowly cuts across my cheek, leaving a thin scratch that starts bleeding.

You must do something.

I can't

Do something or I will. And you don't want that.

I need to think of something and quick. My vision is darkening and my head is feeling light from the lack of oxygen.

An idea pops in my head.

This better work.

Focusing with my remaining strength I force all the forgotten memories back at Al. He let's go of me and I drop to the ground in a coughing fit as my lungs finally get air.

Alastor grips his head in slight pain as he stumbles back. He's eyes clear for just a second before he glares at me once again. He jumps at me but I roll out of the way, his claws leaving deep gouges in the wall where I just was.

My eyes widen, that could have been me.

I teleport away as he swings again. I appear on the other side of the street. I can feel my body growing tired from all the energy I'm using.

I look up at Al. One second he's standing on the other side of the street, antlers large and a sinister smile, the next he's gone.

I turn around to slow as he slashes across my chest leaving a deep cut right above my heart. I stagger back gasping as the pain sinks in and the blood starts gushing.

I see Alastor readying another attack, this time with the voodoo tentacles. Voodoo symbols float all around him as his eyes turn to static. He snaps his fingers and the black tentacles dive at me.

I throw up a quick shield spell and all the tentacles bounce off it. But they strike again and again and again. The drain on my body worsening as I try desperately to keep the barrier up.

Cracks appear on it as the tentacles punch harder. With on final punch the barrier shatters into a thousand glass like pieces that sparkle like diamonds.

The shadow tentacles quickly wrap around me, immobilizing my arms and legs. I gasp as some wrap around my chest, making it hard to breathe.

Looking into Alastor's eyes I search frantically for the man I fell in love with but all I see is a burning hatred. My heart shatters.

"Please don't make me do this." I cry.

I let out another pained gasp as the hold on my chest gets tighter.

"I'm sorry." I huff.

My shadow appears and slices through all of the tentacles. I drop to the ground and jump back up to my feet. I duck and dodge a few attacks from Al. (F/C) light builds in my hands. I release the energy in a stream of light, it hits Al square in the chest sending him flying into a nearby building.

I need to get out of here.

I look up a nearby building. My perfect escape. I sprint towards the building and leap onto the first balcony. I jump from balcony to balcony, also using pipes and windowsills to climb my way to the top.

I reach the roof, about to pull myself up when I feel something wrapping around my leg. I glance down to see a shadow tentacle.


It yanks me into the air and slams me onto the street. Pain explodes in my back. A sizable crater surrounds me.

Another tentacle snakes my way and wraps around my leg. It lifts me into the air once again and hurls me down the street. I cast a quick levitation spell, slowing down my fall and I land on my feet.

I look down the street but no sign of Alastor. I whip around throwing up a quick shield spell. I see a flash of red, the sound of glass shattering fills my ears and immense pain blooms in my gut.

I look down to see Alastor's radio staff stabbed through my gut. A choked sob escapes my throat.

I'm pretty sure all of Hell hears my scream of pain when he ripped it back out, the end covered in my blood.

I stagger back, blood dribbling down my chin. I turn to try and run, to try and get out of there. But pain in my leg causes me to fall. I crawl along the ground but I don't get far before I'm kicked to my back.

Alastor stands over me, a look of pure enjoyment on his face. He steps on my chest, digging his heel into the cut above my heart.

I scream in pain. Tears blur my vision. This is it I'm going to die. Broken in every possible way.

Turning my head I see Angel rushing towards us. His eyes lock with mine and I shake my head.

"Good bye my dear." Alastor says. I look up to see the staff positioned above my head.


I hear Angel's panicked scream.

"Goodbye." I whisper as I close my eyes. With the last of my energy I snap my fingers.

Date- 8-28-2020
Words- 1065

I always have these epic battle scenes planned out in my head but when I go to write them they're just not as good. Oh well I hoped you enjoyed!

Also 12k reads?! WTF! Thank you!


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