33- Calming Presence

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⚠️slight lemon ahead, proceed with caution⚠️

I sit on the bed motioning for Alastor to join me. His does after removing his pinstriped coat and hanging it in a closet.

"Now what my dear?" He asks.

"Now you relax." I say as I grab his hands and begin massaging them.

"Dear I believe I'm relaxed now." He says.

"You can't lie to me Al. I can tell you're still stressed." I drop his hands and stand from the bed. "Stay here I'll be right back."

Alastor grins and lays back on the bed, smiling suggestively at me. I blush and quickly exit the room.

I make it to my room and grab my favorite blanket off the bed, it's soft and warm, perfect for cuddles. I also change into some comfortable clothes, a (F/C) baggy t-shirt and some soft shorts.

I make my way back to Al's room with the blanket in hand. I open the door and Alastor is in the same position as before. He looks up at me and smiles softly.

I sit next to him on the bed and he sits up too.

"My dear what have you got there?" He says, pointing to the blanket.

"It's my blanket. It always helps we when I'm stressed, so I figured it could help you." I wrap the blanket around his shoulders, my hands just barely brushing him.

A light blush finds itself on Al's face. I giggle at how cute he looks with a blush. I place my hands in his once again. He brings my hands to his face and kisses them while maintaining eye contact. This causes heat to rise to my cheeks and also for heat to pool in my stomach.

"Flustered are we, darling?" He says smugly.

I roll my eyes and smile fondly. An idea pops into my head. I grip his hands a little tighter.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I scoot back so I'm resting against the backboard of the bed, dragging Al with me. He ends up landing face first on my chest. I can practically feel the heat radiating off of him.

"D-dear what are you d-doing?" He asks.

"Shh." I let go of his hands and place one in his hair and the other on his back, slowly rubbing circles. "You need to relax Alastor." I whisper.

I start combing my hands through his hair.

It's so soft!

I hands inch up to his ears. Al stiffens at the initial touch but he soon melts under my touch. My fingers massage the base of his ear and soon make their way to the tips. While this is happening a light rumbling starts coming from Al, almost like a purr.

I chuckle a bit and continue brushing my hand through his hair. We stay like that for a few minutes. For a second I think he fell asleep, but he suddenly pulls back.

He face is red and his breathing seemed to have quickened, almost like he's panting.

"Al?" I question, confused as to why he pulled away so suddenly.

"Forgive me my dear for I cannot control myself."

I'm about to ask what he means when my thoughts are suddenly put on hold. My eyes widen in surprise at the feeling of Alastor's lips on mine. It feels almost needy. I melt under the kiss, my mind is blank. I don't know what to think, all I know is I don't want it to stop.

We stay together until the need for oxygen is to great to ignore. We pull apart, both red faced and breathing heavily.

Before he can say anything I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him in again. Our lips crash together like they were meant for this. Al bites at my bottom lip, I open my mouth allowing for his tongue to slip in.

For a few seconds our tongues dance around and battle for dominance. I lost. As his tongue explores my cavern, my hands find their way to the front of his shirt, slowly and deliberately unbuttoning his shirt.

He pulls away to remove his shirt fully before connecting our lips once again. My arms snake around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. I feel his hands resting on my hips. He begs for entrance, but I keep my lips locked tight.

He growls a bit against the kiss and pinches my side. I let out a surprised yelp, but it's muffled when he shoves his tongue in my mouth again.

Once again I feel heat pooling in the pit of my stomach.

I need him. I need more.

I let out a few small moans as Al begins to kiss and bite my neck, searching for my sweet spot. I whine in pain and pleasure when he bits. I can feel the blood dripping down my neck.

He pulls away instantly upon hearing my whimper. "I'm sorry darling, I got carried away-"

I shush him by pushing him down so his back is on the bed and I'm straddling his pelvis. Slowly I sit up right and in the most seductive way, I start pulling my shirt off.

Al watches silently with a red face while I toss my shirt away, my bare breasts now out in the open. I smirk and lean down.

"My turn." I whisper close to his ear causing it to flick a bit. I start kissing the pale skin at his neck slowly making my way down to his collar bone, leaving dark blotches.

The strong smell of deer filling my nose. I bite down drawing blood. The smell and taste of deer blood overriding my senses. I low growl escapes my throat as I lap up the blood.

"So sweet~" I mumble. I sit up and run my hand down his bare chest. I admire all the scares as my eyes trail down slowly. My hands find the rim of his pants. He grabs my hand before I do anything though.

In one swift movement the tables turn and suddenly I'm on the bottom, Al leaning over me with a red face.

"Are you sure you want to do this my dear?" He asks.

I pause.

Do I?


Fuck it!

Yes. I want you. I want you Al. I need you.

"Fuck! Al, I have wanted you since you showed up at this hotel. I want you." I say.

"As you wish my love~"

-(adgahfaffagfafghfgdg! I can't write smut to save my life so uh yeah use your imagination. Your dirty, dirty imagination.) time skip-

I sigh happily as I lay my head on Al's chest. He runs his hand through my hair and I feel at peace.

"Al you would never hurt me right?" I ask, my voice soft.

Alastor pulls my chin up to look him in the eyes. "My dearest I would never dream of hurting you. I will protect you and as long as you're with me no demon will lay a finger on you."

My heart flutters. "I love you Al." I sigh sleepily.

"I love you too, (Y/N). Sweet dreams."

Slowly my eyes drift shut and I'm lost to sleep.

Date- 8-13-2020
Words- 1203

Well that happened. Sorry if it's not up to your expectations but I can write lemons. Also the panic I got while writing this! AaaaaaAAaaaAaaa!

Hope you enjoyed. I'm just gonna go sit in the corner and think about this horrid chapter I have produced.


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