25- Nighttime Jambalaya

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I hum to myself as I sit at the counter. The smell of spices filling my nose, my mouth starting to water.

Alastor stands over a pot on the stove, humming a tune from our time period. A radio plays soft music in the background.

A few mouthwatering minutes later Alastor places two plates of steaming jambalaya in front of us.

I pick up my fork and scoop up a bit of everything. I blow on it a bit before popping the forkful in my mouth. Spice and flavor explodes in my mouth, it's amazing. It reminds me of my sister, she loved jambalaya. I swallow my bite along with my guilt.

"That's amazing Al!" I smile and go in for another bite.

"I'm glad you like it my dear." He says, his smile growing with my praise.

I shovel more of the jambalaya into my mouth. I didn't know how hungry I was before now. Within minutes I'm licking my plate clean. I give a hum of satisfaction.

"Thanks again Al." I get up to clean my dish when my favorite song comes on the radio. I feel my ears perk up in interest. I can even hear Alastor's laugh behind me.

The radio turns up and the song fill the kitchen. My hips and tail start swaying to the beat. A soft smile set on my face as I hum along.

I jump at the sudden presence of hands on my waist. I spin around to see Alastor smiling down at me.

"Care for a dance my dear?" He says, his hand outstretched to me as he steps away.

Something in that line sparks a hint of a memory.


The night is young and the party has just begun. Most likely won't end till midnight at the earliest.

I sit alone at the makeshift bar. I watch as all the couples join together on the dance floor. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to fall in love.

Someone taps on my shoulder, drawing me away from my thoughts.

"Care for a dance my dear?" The man says, holding out his hand.

I smile and set down my drink. "Sure."

-flashback end-

I smile and grab Alastor's hand. "Of course." He pulls me close and we dance around the kitchen. Leaving the dirty dishes forgotten. My heart feels light and my ears fill with the sound of the song.

"One of your favorites I presume." Alastor says.

"Yeah." I smile. "I'd listen to it almost everyday when I was alive."

I spin under Alastor's arm and twirl around. We spin around together all throughout kitchen getting lost in the music and each other's eyes. My eyes trail down to his lips. Even stretched into a never ending smile they looked o-so kissable.

Wait what?

I quickly clear those thoughts from my mind as the song comes to an end.

We're so close. His hands resting lightly on my waist, mine on his shoulders. My eyes once again trail to his lips and I found myself wanting the small space to close.

Suddenly the kitchen door is thrown open and Angel saunters in.

Me and Alastor quickly separate before Angel sees. My face dusted a light shade of pink.

"Hey (Y/N)! Al! What you two doin up so late?" Angel asks.

"Oh uh... c-cooking." I cringe at my stutter.

Angel, of course, picks up on it right away. Also noticing my light blush, mainly due to the fact I never blush. A knowing smirk plays on his face.

"You sure you were just cooking?" He asks.

My face gets redder. "A-Angel!"

He laughs and leaves the kitchen. "Have fun pup!" He calls.

I rush after him. "Angel wait!" I reach him by the door. "It wasn't anything! I don't like him like that!" I try desperately to explain.

"What ever you say puppy titts." He winks and turns down the hall towards his room.

I return to the kitchen and run my hand through my hair. "I'm never gonna hear the end of this." I mutter.

I look up to see Alastor cleaning the dishes.

"Oh Alastor you didn't have to do that, I was just going to do that." I say.

"That's all right my dear." He says as he dries his hands on a towel.

I sit back down at the counter.

"My dear you are a marvelous dancer." Alastor says, turning towards me. Causing my blush to return.

"You're not to bad yourself red." I say.

He laughs, "Why thank you my dear."

I smile, a genuine smile. My heart hasn't felt this light since I was alive. My thoughts are interrupted my the sound of fireworks.

"The extermination is over." I mumble.


"Yes Al?" I look up to meet his gaze.

"I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner later this week." He says.

"Oh. Um sure. What day?" I ask.

"I was thinking tomorrow."

"S-sure." I say.

"Splendid! I'll see you then my dear." He grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, placing a kiss on it while maintaining eye contact.

I can feel my face heat up as he drops my hand and strides out of the kitchen.

What just happened? Am I really going on a date with the infamous Radio Demon tomorrow?

Don't go getting attached (Y/N). I scold myself. It never works out.

Date- 7-29-2020
Words- 914

Hope you enjoyed the little dance. I thought it was kind of cute.


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