14- Helping Hands

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I watch will curiosity as Alastor walks around the hotel as if inspecting it. In the two years I've been here nothing much has changed, still looks run down and overall sad for a 'happy' hotel.

Vaggie is skulking, like always. Would it kill her to lighten up. Alastor notices Vaggie's mood and much to my entertainment he approaches the annoying female.

"Smile my dear! You know you're never fully dressed without one!" He says.

This obviously pisses Vaggie off more, as she glares at the deer demon.

Alastor makes his way back to Charlie. "So where is your hotel staff?" He asks.

Charlie chuckles nervously and gestures over her shoulder to Vaggie, who mind you is still glaring at Alastor. "Well..."

"Oh ho ho you're gonna need more than that." Alastor starts coming our way.

I glance at Angel and the look on his face says he's got an idea. I internally groan. Angel's ideas aren't always the best, but damn I'd be lying if I said they weren't hilarious. I take a sip of my whiskey, which I will greatly regret later.

"And what can you do my feminine fellow?" Alastor asks Angel.

"I can suck your dick." Angel replies with a smile. I spit out my drink and start coughing. My lungs feel like they're on fire and tears prick in my eyes.

I hear a loud radio screech which makes my ears twitch in annoyance.

"Ha, no!" Alastor says and quickly walks away.

"Your loss~" Angel calls after him.

When I regain my breath I look over at Angel. "Dude what the fuck was that?!" I start laughing. "Look you scared him away! And did you see his face? Haha! That was your best idea yet!"

I continue laughing my ass off, completely missing whatever Alastor says next.

He walks over to the fire place and picks up a dark mass. The mass opens a single orange eye and stares at us all. Me and Angel head over to investigate.

The dark mass suddenly turns into a small girl with a poodle skirt and white top. Pink hair sticks out from her head at weird angels.

"This little darling is Nifty." Alastor says as he drops her to the floor.

"Hi I'm Nifty, it's a pleasure to meet you all. It's been a while since I've made new friends. Why are you women? ARE THERE ANY MEN HERE?!" The small girl proceeds to lift up Charlie.

Damn she's a lot stronger than she looks.

"I'm sorry that's rude. Oh man this place is filthy! It really needs a lady's touch which is weird cause you're all ladies, no offense." Nifty sets Charlie down and starts to sip around the room cleaning, while saying "nope".

Angel gives me a hurt look. I punch his arm, "well what do you expect when you dress like a slut all the time."

He nods, "fair point."

Our conversation is cut short by a husky voice (ha get it "husky" ok I'll shut up now). I turn to see a winged cat demon at a black jack table.

"Ha read em and weep boys, full ho—- tel? What the fuck is this?" The demon turns around and sees Alastor, "you!"

"Ah Husker my good friend, glad you could make it."

"Don't you Husker me you son of a bitch, I was about to win the whole damn pot!" The cat growls.

I watch as a huge pile of cash and chips turns to screen static and disappears.

"Good to see you too!" Alastor says.

"What do you want with me this time?" The cat asks, clearly annoyed.

"My friend I've been doing some charity work and I took it upon myself to volunteer your services. I hope that's ok?" Alastor pulls the grumbling cat into a side hug.

"Are you shittin me?"

Alastor seems to pause and think for a moment before shaking his head. "No I don't think so."

"You though it would be some kind of big fuckin riot just to pull me out of no where. You think I'm some kind of fuckin clown?" The cat shouts.

Alastor smiles smugly, "maybe."

The cat grumbles about not wanting to do this.

"You my friend will run the front desk of this fine establishment with your charming smile and welcoming personality this job was made for you." Alastor then makes his way over to a bar that I have no idea how I hadn't noticed. "Don't worry my friend I can make this more welcoming. If you wish~" he moves his hand in a sweeping motion causing a bottle of cheep booze to appear.

This seems to please the grumpy cat as he begrudgingly takes the booze and starts drinking it behind the bar. This of course doesn't sit well with Vaggie as she starts complaining.

Come on! Lighten up!

Me and Angel glance at each other and nod simultaneously. We proceed to launch ourselves at Vaggie tackling her to the ground.

"Shut up! Shut up!" I hiss.

"We are keeping this!" Angel uses three of his four arms to point at the bar. He then gets up to flirt with Husk. I roll my eyes and grab a bottle of booze.

Maybe this strawberry pimp won't be such a bad thing.

Charlie shoves me and Angel our of the way to great the newest member of the staff.


Kill her.

Oh shut it!

Date- 7-20-2020
Words- 910

When Angel said "I can suck your dick." I legit almost spit out my drink. I started coughing and my family looked at me like is was crazy. Maybe I am.


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