31- Morning Wags

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the thump, thump, thump of a heart beat. My nose filled with the smell of deer. I peek my eye open and see red.

Slowly my mind pieces the information together.

Heart beat




I smile and cuddle in closer. This is nice. I yawn and just lay there enjoying Alastor's arms around me. Based on the rate for his heart and breathing he's still asleep. I didn't think he slept at all.

I draw circles on the couch as Alastor's heart beat lulls me back to sleep.

-about an hour later-

I wake to the sound of muffled snickering and the snapping of a photo being taken. I slowly open my eyes to see Angel standing over me with a huge grin on his face.

I swat at him. "Go away I'm tired." I mumble as I nuzzle into Al's chest.

"Damn pup I didn't think your first time would be on a couch." Angel says.

My eyes shoot open and I'm now fully awake. "Angel!" I hiss. "That's not what- Grr."

"Chill out girl I'm just teasing." He laughs while tugging on my tail.

I was so focused on Angel that I hadn't noticed Alastor had woke up. I jump a bit when I feel his hand run through my hair. I turn my head to look at him.

"Good morning dearest." He chirps in his usual radio static voice. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine thank you." I respond, smiling.

"You two should just shut up and fuck!" Angel calls from across the room.

In a snap my smile is gone replaced with a horrified blush as I quickly push myself off Al and turn towards Angel. "Angel you're an ass you know that!" I call back, crossing my arms and looking out the front door window.

I was enjoying myself until Angel had to ruin it with his stupid sex remarks.

Suddenly I feel Angel's hand on my head slowly making its way to my ears.

"Angel." I say low and threateningly.

"Come on pup you know you like it~" he says as he begins to scratch behind my ears.

"Angel I suggest you remove your hand before you lose it." I threaten, but it's halfhearted.

My tail starts wagging. I look over at it and my gaze snaps to Alastor, who is watching this with quite the amused expression. My face heats up as I turn away, my tail still thumping loudly against the couch.

"Damn it Angel I said stop!" I grab his hand away from my head. "You know I don't like people touching my ears." I complain.

"I don't know pup, looks like you were enjoying it." He smirks and walks away.

What the hell was that about?

I watch as he makes his way to the kitchen until he's finally out of sight. I sigh and cross my arms. My ears pinned back and my tail wrapped around my waist.

I don't look at Al because of the blush that still coats my face.

Why does Angel have to be an embarrassment all the time? Better yet why does he always have to find ways to embarrass me in front of Alastor all the time?

"Dear you seem tense."

I scoff. "Angel's a prick."

I feel Al's hand in my hair. I glance at him. "What are you-?" I'm silenced when he begins scratching behind my ears. My tail starts wagging once again. Alastor laughs and my blush returns. I find myself leaning towards him, I close my eyes and hum in satisfaction.

"Are you enjoying this my dear?" He asks.

I hum and nod in response, my tail wagging vigorously beside me on the couch. We stay like that for a few minutes as his other hand snakes to my waist and pulls me closer. I willingly lean into his touch.

We sit together listening to the sounds of the other hotel inhabitants begin to stir awake. I lay my head on Al's shoulder as I watch the red sun start to rise, chasing away the dawn.

Slowly we move apart as Charlie and the others make their way to the lobby. Eventually we all make it to the kitchen for breakfast. Alastor starts cooking beautiful golden pancakes. Along with some fresh venison for me and him.

Angel throws us a knowing smirk as he digs into his breakfast. Trying to ignore Angel's smirks and winks I go to turn on the tv that sitting across the table on the counter.

A few ads play, including one about an imp organization? Then the news starts. Katie and Tom start talking about satan knows what, I wasn't really listening.

Charlie looks like she wants to murder Katie and I cannot blame her, Katie is a bitch.

"BREAKING NEWS!" Katie yells on the screen, "The overlord known as The Witch has been going on rampages close to other overlord territories!"

My eyes shoot up towards the screen and my face pales.


Date- 8-7-2020
Words- 847

See y'all next chapter! Hope you enjoyed!


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