chapter 3

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lunch time

i started to head over to the roof but when i was about to exit the cafeteria i felt someone tap my shoulder

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i started to head over to the roof but when i was about to exit the cafeteria i felt someone tap my shoulder. i stopped walking and looked behind myself. "oh hi hyunjin. do you need anything?" he smiled at me and put his hand on my shoulder "would you like to join lunch with me and my friends?" i was a bit shocked that he asked me. "i uh um" i started to jumble up my words and hyunjin just giggled at me a tiny bit. "sorry it's just that i never really sat next to people during lunch hyunjin" he had a curious expression on his face after i said that. i felt nervous and i was shaking a tiny bit. "oh i understand, you don't have to sit with me or my friends today if you don't want to-" "i mean i would like to sit with you and your friends today i wouldn't mind" hyunjin smiled and put his arm around me and started to walk over to his table.

"so hyunjin who's this new friend of yours?" minho asked hyunjin as hyunjin and i both sat down. "this is felix, felix this is minho" i waves at the other with a smile on my face, i felt a bit awkward and my right leg kept bouncing up and down very fast, when i'm nervous that happens a lot. i felt a hand go on my leg and i looked over at hyunjin who was just smiling and talking to his friends, i'm guess he was trying to stop my leg which worked.

"jeongin i'm telling you he goes to this school i swore i saw him here i'm not lying" seungmin and jeongin sat down next to minho "are you sure it isn't someone from your imagination seungmin?" seungmin looked at jeongin and nodded his head no "are you guys talking about cafe boy again?" hyunjin asked the boy with the braces "yeah seungmin won't stop talking about him because he's obsessed with him even though they never talked and he never got the person's name" seungmin looked over at me and had a shock expression on his face, i wonder why. "seungmin did you see a ghost?" minho asked laughing a tad bit "ghost aren't real and also i'm ok" hyunjin took a sip of his drink and looked over at me "do you not have a lunch felix?" i shook my head and he looked concerned "i don't really eat lunch, i just eat dinner" i felt a gaze on me, for some odd reason seungmin kept staring at me, i felt uncomfortable but i didn't want to say anything. "here have some of my food, i want you to start eating lunch now" hyunjin said giving me some of his sushi "you really don't have to hyunjin" he picked up sushi with his chopsticks and he waited for me to open up my mouth. sense i didn't want to seem rude i opened my mouth and he put the sushi in my mouth. it tasted pretty good but i'm not surprised.

he continued to feed me for the rest of the lunch which i didn't really mind until a random girl came over and sat on the other side of hyunjin. she wrapped her arms around his right arm, he stopped feeding me after that and i sorta missed him doing that. "jinnie who's that boy next to you?" she looked at me friendly but i can tell she was faking it. "this is felix he's my new friend" she had a questionable look on her face and looked over at hyunjin than back to me. "oh really? i thought he was just a little assistant of yours you got because look at him, he has freckles and he isn't that attractive i mean he is more attractive than most of your assistants but this one doesn't seem like it" hyunjin stopped her from talking "his freckles seem cute to me and i can never have anyone this attractive be my assistant" i was guessing that hyunjin had some assistants before because his family owns a big company.

i looked down at the ground because i i felt embarrassed and a bit insecure about my freckles. i touched my face where my freckles were. hyunjin looked over at me "felix your freckles are cute don't worry about them" i looked up at him and felt heat coming to my cheeks. "hyunjin~ i'm sorry for insulting your friend i didn't mean to, please tell me you still love me" hyunjin looked over at the girl and smiled "of course i still love you just don't insult any of my friends again" she nodded a lot and looked over at me. i tried not to show it but i was furious and i was jealous. "guessing that you guys are dating?" she looked at me with a fake smile "yep of course me and hyunjin are dating, i'm like the most popular girl in school and hyunjin is the most popular guy in school plus our parents forced us together and we actually started liking each other especially after that one party that happened, let's just say some stuff got hot" i looked at her with a disgusted look on my face "that's too much information that i didn't even need to know" she shrugged and started to talk to just hyunjin and no one else.

i couldn't get hyunjin's attention because someone kept hogging him. my hand formed into a fist and my nails kept going into my skin, i felt anger and jealousy right now and i just couldn't handle it. "so felix right?" i looked over at seungmin and hummed in response "well i was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee sometime and stuff" seungmin said look straight at me "wow seems like someone isn't throwing away their shot" minho said sarcastically "shut up minho don't make minmin so nervous" jeongin said trying to make minho shut up. "uhh sure seungmin" i said than minho gasped dramatically "wait really" seungmin looked happy that i said yes which was a surprise to me "yeah why not? i'll see you after school" the bell rang and we all headed off to class. i watched hyunjin walk with his girlfriend to class and i looked at my hands and noticed i had some blood on my fingers nails and on my hand. "i should really learn how to not do that anymore"

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