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Isabella's POV:

"Is he here?" I ask Emma.

"No, you need to stop obsessing." She says.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want him seeing me." I say.

"He probably doesn't even know you Bella." She says, I sigh.

"But what if he does, I look like shit." I say, she rolls her eyes.

"No you don't. And you really need to gain some confidence and you need to go up to him and tell him how you feel." Emma says.

"I can't do that, what if he doesn't like me back?" I question.

"Then he's not worth your time." She says, I roll my eyes.

"Yo Gavin!" I hear someone yell and I hide behind a wall.

"He's here." I whisper yell at Emma.

"You're so pathetic." Emma says and she grabs my arm and drags me down the hallway and we pass Gavin and his best friend Tevin, but neither of them look at us. I sigh as we walk into one of the classrooms.

"Notice how he didn't look at us." She says.

"I know I know." I say and I sit down in my seat. Then he walks into the classroom.

"Oh my god. He's in this class." I whisper.

"Yeah, I can see that." She says. My breathing picks up as he walks behind me and sits in the desk right behind me. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm literally hyperventilating.

"Clam down dude." Emma says and I take a deep breath as the teacher walks into the room.

"Good morning class." He says.

"Hey." I hear someone whisper. I turn around and Gavin is looking at me, my eyes widen.

"Me?" I question, with a shaky voice.

"Yeah, do you have a pencil I can use?" He asks me. I nod and I turn around and I grab my pencil case, so fast it slips out of my fingers and it drops on the floor. I turn towards him and I awkwardly laugh and I pick up the pencil case and I give myself an embarrassed look. I sit up and I unzip the pencil case and I grab one of the pencils and I had it to him.

"H-Here you go." I say even more awkwardly and shaky.

"Thanks?" He questions and takes the pencil. I smile and I turn around and I zip the case and I set it down, I'm so fucking embarrassed.

"Nice going." Emma says, I look at her and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I whisper at her as the teacher continues to write something on the board.

The class is over and Gavin taps my shoulder, I turn towards him and he hands me my pencil.

"Thanks for letting me use this." He says, I smile and I take the pencil from him, touching his hand, my smile grows and he takes his hand away and gets out of his desk. I turn away and I put the pencil back. Gavin walks out of class and I look at Emma.

"I hate myself. Why am I like this." I say, feeling so embarrassed it's scary.

"I don't know what to tell you man." She says and she grabs her backpack. I sigh and I grab my backpack and we leave the classroom.

"I just need to forget that I've liked him since 4th grade when I talk to him." I say.

"Yeah, good luck with that." Emma says.

"You could at least be a little more supportive." I say, crossing my arms.

"I would be, if you had any shot with him. I bet he doesn't even know your name Bella, I love you, but you're a bit obsessed." She says, I nod.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I say.

"I'm always right." She says. We both laugh as we walk to my locker. Then I bump into someone and I drop all my stuff on the ground. I look up to see Gavin. Holy shit. I gulp.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"No, it was my fault." I say and I kneel down to pick my stuff up.

"Need help?" He questions, I look up at him.

"Um, sur-" I start.

"No, I'll help her. But thanks for the offer, goodbye now." Emma says, I look at her, pissed.

"Oh ok, see yah. And sorry again for knocking your stuff on the ground." He says and he walks away. Emma kneels on the ground next to me and picks up my last book and we both stand up.

"Why'd you do that! He was going to help me!" I say, frustrated.

"You just said you're to obsessed." She says.

"No, you said that. And that doesn't mean he can't help me." I say and I take my book from her.

"Whatever, but when he breaks your heart, I'm going to say I told you so." She says.

"Ok." I say.

"After I comfort you obviously, you're my best friend Bella." She says, I smile and we walk to lunch.

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