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Isabella's POV:

"I need to figure out what she is." I say.

"How do you even know that she's supernatural, maybe you were just having some weird dream." Emma says. Then I look over to see Madison and she smiles at me.

"I'm going up to her." I say and I walk up to her.

"Hi Bella." She says.

"What are you?" I ask her.

"Excuse me?" She questions.

"I know you controlled my dream somehow, which means you aren't human, so what are you?" I ask her.

"I wouldn't just come up to someone ask them what they are Bella. You have to be careful, this world isn't safe, expecially for vampires." She says and she walks away.

School is over and Emma comes over, she pulls out her laptop.

"Ok, so let's try to figure out what she could be, what could she do?" Emma asks me.

"I don't know, she could manipulate what I would dream." I tell her. She nods and looks up "Supernatural creatures that can manipulate dreams."

"Only two things come up." Emma tells me.

"What are they?" I ask.

"Vampires and Succubi." She tells me.

"Explain." I say, she laughs and reads the description.

"The Succubi powers are they have the supernatural ability to increase one's mortal lifespan through supernatural means. They can also heal people from sustained wounds and injuries at a rapid speed and lastly they can enter people's minds when they are sleeping and manipulate their dreams." She explains to me.

"Yeah, that sounds like her. She was able to make Gavin say things to me that he would never say, but it seemed so real. Did he actually hurt his arm?" I ask her.

"Yeah he did." She says.

"So that part was real, was I there?" I ask.

"Yes, you saw the blood and you took off, then you just walked back into class and fell asleep on your desk, it was so weird." Emma says.

"So how did she turn into a Succubi, and how long has she been one and controlled all of our dreams!?" I question Emma.

"I don't know Bella, I'm not friends with her." She says.

"And how did she know I was a vampire. And how did Daniel know my name?" I ask myself.

"Whose Daniel?" Emma asks.

"The guy who turned me." I say, she nods.

"Right." She says.

"None of this makes any sense." I say, pacing around my room, trying to make sense of all this.

"Do you think Gavin is somehow supernatural, and are there other Succubi in our school or is Madison the only one?" I have so many questions.

"I don't know Bella, I wouldn't stress about it." She says.

"But I need to know, I need to know everything, cause none of it makes sense." I say, crossing my arms.

"I wonder if Gavin knows what she is, I heard that he's taking her to the dance." I say.

"Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, or maybe he's like me where we know about it but we have no fucking idea how it happened." She says.

"I'm with you on that Em." I say.

"But there's gotta be more, we need to go see Madison, maybe she'll talk." I suggest.

"I doubt that Bella, she hates us." Emma says.

"Wait she knows!" I realize.

"She knows what?" Emma asks.

"She knows that I like Gavin." I say.

"So, I don't think that's our biggest problem right now Bella." She says.

"Yeah I know, but maybe that's why she hated us so much, because she likes Gavin and she knows that I'm her competition." I explain.

"You are not her competition Bella. Let's just go talk to her." Emma says, I roll my eyes.

"Let's just go." I say, she laughs as we climb out of my window.

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