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Gavin's POV:

"What's that noise?" I ask.

"What noise?" The girl asks me. I listen closer and it sounds like it's coming from her neck, it sounds like, like a heart beat. I feel my fangs stick out.

"Your face?" The girl asks, I turn away from her.

"Yeah, I just have something in my eyes, bye." I say and I walk away. No feeding Gavin, no feeding on innocent people.

Bella's POV:

"Today is prom." I say to Emma.

"I know, did anyone ask you?" She asks me.

"No." I say, upset.

"Why don't you ask Gavin?" She asks me, my eyes widen.

"He's going with Madison, you know that." I say.

"Yeah, well I'm going with Tevin." She says.

"He asked you!?" I question.

"Yeah." She says with a shy smile. Then Gavin and Madison walk up to us.

"So I heard Daniel is going to be at our prom tonight, with that guy you saw Bella." Madison tells us.

"What why? It's our school prom!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, well he's looking for you and Gavin, and both of you have been avoiding them, so they are coming to a night that they know you guys won't be able to resist going to." Madison exclaims.

"Great, I was planning on having fun tonight." Emma says.

"Are we still going?" I question.

"Are you crazy, of course we're going." Gavin says.

"Well I'm sorry that I don't want to be sacrificed." I say.

"Let's not fight about this, someone is going to have to be on the look out for them." Madison says.

"I will be since I don't have a date." I say, awkwardly.

"You don't?" Gavin questions.

"No, nobody asked me." I say.

"That's not a surprise." Madison says, I roll my eyes at her.

"Ok, so you're on look out, and when you see them, just get Gavin and get out of there." Emma says, I nod.

"Hey guys." Tevin says and walks up to us.

"Hey." Gavin says.

"Since when were you guys all friends?" He asks.

"Friends? With them? Yeah, no." Madison says. Even when were working together, she can't help herself.

"Sooo, then what are you guys doing?" He asks.

"Nothing, I'll see you tonight." Emma says and we both walk away.

I get home and my mom smiles at me.

"You ready?" She asks.

"I just got home." I say.

"Well your hair appointment is in 20 minutes, and the place is 18 minutes away." She explains. I sigh and nod and we get in the car. We drive to the hair place and I get my hair done for prom.

"So is that cute boy from two nights ago your date?" My mom asks, I shake my head.

"No mom, he's just a friend." I say.

"That's what they all say." She says, I roll my eyes. Then the girl go finishes my hair.

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