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Isabella's POV:

I can't control it. My fangs pop out.

"No no no, not at school." I whisper to myself.

"You just need to focus on one thing that makes you happy and safe, you'll be able to control it then."

I close my eyes and I take steady breaths as the first person who I think of is Gavin. His perfect skin. His luxurious brown hair. His amazing sense of style. His voice. His beautiful baby blue eyes. His lips. I feel my fangs go away and I open my eyes again. Gavin is my control switch. I smile to myself and I walk back to class. Everyone looks at me, since I'm late.

"It's nice of you to join us Ms. Eling." Mr. Jefferson says. I nod and I take my seat.

"Now, who can tell me about the-"

"What happened to you?" I hear Gavin ask me. I turn around and I look at him.

"Oh um, I'm sorry, it's just.."

"Blood makes you squeamish?" He questions.

"Something like that." I say, he smiles.

"Me too, when it's other people's blood." He says, I smile and nod.

"But I am sorry I took off like that." I say.

"It's fine." He says.

"Who are you taking to the dance?" I randomly ask him.

"Madison Barrett, why?" He asks. I sigh.

"No reason, just wondering." I say and turn away.

"Did you want to ask me? Cause I can be convinced." He says, I quickly turn towards him again.

"What!?" I ask.

"Huh?" He questions. I look around and everyone is staring at us.

"Huh?" I question back.

"You just looked at me and yelled what when I didn't say anything." He says. Of course it was me hallucinating things, he would never say things like that to me. I gulp.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say and I turn away from him.

"Anyways." The teacher says.

"I really like you Bella. Let's go to the dance together." Gavin says, or my hallucinations say.

"I know you aren't real." I whisper to myself.

"Why? Cause this would never happen?" He asks me.

"Exactly." I whisper. Then he puts head on my shoulder, and that spot turns super cold.

"Why are you so cold?" I question.

"Because I'm not real Bella. Gavin has no idea who you are, and you will never be on his radar." He says, then he starts laughing and his laugh turns into a girls laugh and I turn around to watch his face morph into Madison's face.

"He will never like you back because you're a dead killer." She says and then I open my eyes quickly and I see that everyone is gone expect Emma and the teacher.

"Come on Bella!" Emma yells at me. I shake my head and we walk out of the room.

"That was so weird." I say.

"The fact that you kept whispering "Madison." underneath your breath the whole end of class, in pretty sure Gavin heard you because he made a weird face at you.

"Fuck. I had a weird nightmare dream things about Gavin and Madison. I don't think Madison is human."

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