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Isabella's POV:

I bike down the street. It's dark and rainy. Then I hear a noise down the alley. I stop my bike and I get it off of it.

"Hello?" I question into the alley, but nobody says anything. Then I see some eyes, I don't know whose they are, but they are glowing sort of.

"Who is there?" I question again. Then they come into the light, with fangs. I scream and I try to get on my bike when he walks up to me and pushes my bike over and I scrape my hands. I look at the guy and I get up and I run, screaming. Then he goes in front of me and I back away and I'm breathing heavily.

"Please don't kill me." I beg.

"I don't want to kill you Isabella." He says.

"How do you-"

"I know a lot of things." He says. A tear rolls down my cheek.

"What do you want?" I question. He bites his wrist and then he forces me to drink it.

"What the fuck!" I yell and I wipe the blood off my face.

"You'll thank me later Bella." He says and then he snaps my neck-

I open my eyes and I take a huge breath in. I look around, scared. I stand back up and then a person is pushed in front of me, they look scared. Then someone bites into his neck and pushes him towards me. I look at the blood.

"Drink it. I know you want to." They guy in the dark says. I bite into the guys neck and I drink the blood. I pull away and I drop the guy and I hold my gums.

"Ahh." I groan as my gums feel like they are being cut open. Then I feel my fangs with my tongue.

"What have you done to me!!" I scream at him.

"I gave you the gift of internal life." He says and he goes away. My fangs also go away and I look at the dead guy on the street. I shake my head and I get back on my bike and I ride it home. I'm home within seconds and I look at myself, surprised. I get off the bike and I go inside.

"Where have you been!" My mom yells as I shut the door.

"I'm sorry mom." I say and I go upstairs. What's wrong with me!? I quickly pull out my phone and I call Emma.

"Hello?" She questions into the phone.

"Emma, you need to get your ass here now!" I tell her.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asks.

"Just get here." I say and I hang up. I shake my head. I turn around to see that same guy and I go after my door when he appears right in front of me.

"How did you do that?" I question and I take a step back.

"The same way you got home so quickly." He says. I shake my head.

"What are you!? What am I now!?" I ask him.

"We're vampires. And I can teach you everything you need to know." He says. I nod.

"First, put this on." He says and he sets a ring on the table.

"A ring?" I question.

"It's a daylight ring, so you can walk in the sun without your skin burning." He says.

"Daylight ring? Ok, what else?" I question.

"You can control when your face changes, you just need to focus on one thing that makes you happy and safe, you'll be able to control it then." He tells me.

"Ok, what even is your name?" I ask, since I realized I know nothing about this guy.

"Daniel." He says.

"Um, what else is there to know?" I question.

"Just the basics. You have super speed, so when you run in front of people, try to not run so fast, think about that thing. When you start to get hungry for blood, drink out of blood bags, not humans. You can hear things better now, like if I were downstairs and I said hi you would be able to hear it if you tried." He explains to me.

"This is all so crazy. Why did you choose me?" I question.

"I have my reasons Bella, soon of which you will find out. But as of right now, just live your normal life, and tell no one." He says and then he disappears. My room door opens.

"What's wrong?" Emma asks as she shuts more door.

"I'm sorry Daniel." I say under my breath.

"I'm a vampire now Emma." I tell her, she laughs.

"You're funny, what's actually wrong?" She asks. I bring out my fangs and I bite my arm and it heals right in front of her, and then my fangs go away.

"Your face. You had these weird veins under your eyes, fangs, you healed." She says, with a surprised face.

"Please don't tell anyone." I beg her.

"I won't. But how did this happen?" She asks.

"I'm not really sure, this guy just turned me and won't tell me how or why." I tell her.

"I- this is all just hard to understand." She says, I nod.

"Yeah I know." I say.

Gavin's POV:

I walk into the school. I see Tevin and I smile at him.

"So, who are you taking to the dance next week?" Tevin asks me.

"Madison." I tell him.

"She said yes!?" He exclaims.

"Yeah, I asked her last night. It's going to the perfect night. And I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend." I say.

"Way to go buddy." Tevin says. I smile and we walk into class. I bump into someone and I look at the girl that's in front of me and then I trip and hit my arm against the corner of the desk.

"Are you ok!?" She questions and puts her hand out. I grab it and she helps me up.

"I'm good, thanks." I say, she smiles at me and nods. Then her face changes.

"Are you hurt?" She questions.

"What?" I ask.

"Did you hurt yourself?" She asks.

"Um, I don't know." I say and I left up my sleeve and my arm is bleeding.

"Oh wow." I say and I look at her. She looks nervous and she turns away.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. You should go take care of that." She says. I look at it.

"I should be fine." I say and I look back up to see the girl is gone.

"Bro, what happened?" Tevin asks me.

"That girl was acting strange." I say.

"You mean Isabella Eling?" He asks me, I look at him.

"Yeah." I say, he shrugs.

"I'm sure it's nothing." He says. I sigh and I cover my arm again and I sit down.

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