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Isabella's POV:

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I need you to come with me." Daniel says.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, until you tell me where we are going and why." I say.

"Why are all girls so stubborn. I didn't want to do this, but I guess I have to." He says.

"Huh-" I start when he swings at me and-

"Are you seriously going to sacrifice a 16 year old girl." I hear a girl say, I open my eyes slowly and I see that I'm tied up and there is a brown haired girl talking to Daniel.

"I need to give him somebody! I watched her two weeks before I turned her, she's perfect, exactly what he's looking for." Daniel says. Whose he?

"But she's just a teenager, he isn't going to kill her." The girl says. Kill me!?

"He will when he finds out that she's exactly what he's been looking for." Daniel says.

"Good morning sunshine." The girl says as she looks at me. I give her a mean look.

"Let me go!" I yell, she rolls her eyes at me.

"That's not my decision to make sweetheart." The girl says, and I look at Daniel.

"He will be here soon, and you will go with him." Daniel says.

"I'm not going with anyone!!" I scream.

"I figured you would say that, that's why he's here." Daniel says and he walks into another room.

"Come on!!" Daniel yells and he drags Gavin in by his arm.

"Gavin! Let him go!!" I yell as I try to move my hands.

"I'm using him as leverage, so you will go with him or he will die." Daniel tells me.

"I barely know her, let me go please." Gavin begs.

"Shut up!" Daniel yells and he throws Gavin at the girl and she grabs his arm.

"I'll go with the guy, just let him go." I say.

"Oh the things you would do for this boy, who I bet doesn't even know your name." Daniel says, I look at Gavin. He gives me a sorry look.

"Let. Him. Go." I say, looking back at Daniel.

"Not yet." He says. Anger fills my body. My fangs stick out.

"LET HIM GO!!" I scream and the ropes break and I stand up.

"Oh crap." Daniel says and he takes a step back. I look at Gavin and he looks so scared. I run towards the girl and she throws Gavin at me I hold his shoulders and I stop him, I look into his eyes.

"Run, and forget everything you saw here." I compelle him and he starts running. Daniel runs up to me and I kick him the chest and he flies into the ground.

"The boy!" The girl yells. She goes to run after him and I superspeed in front of her and I throw her against the wall.

"Don't you touch him ever again or I will kill you!!" I scream.

"Nice." I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around and there's a man standing there, with Gavin next to him, looking scared.

"What do you want with me!?" I question.

"I don't even know you sweetheart, is this the girl Daniel." The man says, Daniel gets up and heals.

"Yes, she's exactly what you've been looking for sir." He says.

"And this boy, who is he?" The man asks.

"He's her weakness." Daniel says, Gavin shakes his head.

"What is going on?" Gavin asks, being scared. I can hear his heartbeat and it's going crazy.

"I don't like weakness." The man says and he throws Gavin against the wall.

"Gavin!!" I scream, but before I can go to him the man grabs my neck and hold me up the air. I start loosing my air as he holds my neck.

"This girl is pathetic. Find me someone with real power!" He yells.

"She was just turned, but she has potential to be very powerful, just her me time to teach her everything." Daniel says, I try to take a breath but I lost all air ways.

"Fine, you have a week." He says and he drops me on the ground and I take a huge breath of air in.

"Only 7 days Daniel." He says, he grabs my chin and makes me look at him, and he leans in.

"I hope you are what I need." He says, I give him a mean look at I spit blood on his face. He wipes it off and slaps me across the face.

"Don't disappoint me again son." He says and he walks away. I rub my cheek and Daniel and the girl are gone. I sigh and I look over at Gavin. I run over to him.

"Gavin!?" I shake him, he groans. I bite into my wrist and I force him to drink it and he does and then his wounds heal up. He looks at me.

"How did you do that?" He asks me.

"It's a long story." I say awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, what's your name again?" He asks me.

"Bella." I say, he nods.

"Right." He says, I smile slightly.

"Do you need a ride home?" I ask him.

"Um, sure. I'm guessing you need my address?" He questions.

"No, you live right down the street from me." I say.

"I do? How do you know that?" He asks.

"We've both lived there since we were 8 Gavin." I say.

"Oh, how come I haven't noticed you?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say. I stand up and I stick my hand out, he grabs it and I help him up.

"Let's go." I say, he smiles slightly and we walk out of the building. Then Daniel comes up to me and snaps Gavin's neck.

"Nooo!!!" I scream as his body falls next to me. My breathing picks up as tears fill my eyes, I look at Daniel.

"Now your first day of training, teach this boy how to be a vampire, like us." Daniel says and he zooms off. I look at Gavin and I shake my head.

"You don't deserve this." I say. I kneel down and I put one of his arms around my neck and I drag him to my car and I drive home.

Gavin opens his eyes and he looks at me.

"What's going on?" He asks. I sigh and I tell him everything about being a vampire and everything I know so far.

"Is isn't real." He says and he goes to leave my room when I superspeed in front of him and I push him against my wall and then my mom opens the door.

"Bella? What's going- oh, hello there." My mom says, I roll my eyes and I step away from Gavin and I look at my mom.

"Please leave mom." I say, awkwardly.

"Whose this cutie?" My mom asks, I roll my eyes.

"My name is Gavin." He says and she smiles.

"Goodbye mom." I say, she laughs and walks out of my room and I shut the door.

"Sorry about that." I say, he smiles.

"It's fine, I should go anyways, it's a school night." He says. I shake my head and he leaves the room. Ugh, it was so hard to not break down and tell him how I feel, but I know he doesn't feel the same way.

Gavin's POV:

I walk outside and I run into a girl.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"No it's fine, I ran into you." She says. I nod and then I start hearing a sound, a very loud sound.

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