22. jasper - never knew it, you took me by surprise

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I'm reading on the couch, something I never thought I'd be doing by the way, when the doorbell rings. This time I'm making sure to check who it is before opening the door because if I take another punch to the face I might need to consider a new way to breathe. Gills aren't exactly an option, and I just got my glasses back.

After I verified that the guard got it right on the phone, I sigh in relief at the familiar face on the other side. I opened the door, "Rivera, you finally came over--"

Paula hugs me suddenly, squealing as she does. I have no choice but to respond even with less noise. She pulls away, holding me by the shoulders, "Finally, Jasper!"

"I'm guessing she told you, huh?"

"Yes, the night I picked her up here! Also heard some interesting news from her just this weekend. I would've come sooner but I was helping Dan build his photography portfolio while doing my internship," she pauses to breathe, "anyway, a date, huh?"

She lets me go, heading straight to the couch to dump her bag there. She sits down beside it, noticing the book with the highlighter and pen propped inside the page I was reading. I close the door and she holds it up, "You know, Erika would kill you with the way you're handling her book, but also, this is the nerdiest couple thing I've ever seen. She's got you writing notes and highlighting...you're so whipped!"

I grab the book from her and stick the bookmark Erika had with it, putting the highlighter and pen back on the table. I ask her, "Do you want anything to drink?"

"You got any juice?"

"Surprisingly, yes, because Erika and I went grocery shopping yesterday," I say, going over the kitchen. I grab the carton of Four Seasons juice from the fridge, pouring it on a glass with a little ice. I hear Paula laughing from the couch, "Groceries, huh? That's like a separate love language to her. If she takes you to a bookstore, you're married."

"I'll put that on our itinerary then," I reply, handing her the glass. She takes a sip while I stand on the side with my hands on my hips. Before she speaks again, I clear my throat to start, "So, um, the date I wanted to take Erika to. I actually called you over to run some ideas by you because I want it to be perfect."

"Okay, I figured as much," Paula sets down the glass on the coffee table, "do you have any initial plans? We can work around that."

"Oh, um, I was thinking maybe reserving a table at a rooftop restaurant at a hotel, something like that--" I stop talking when I notice her shaking her head. She stares at me with a shocked look on her face, "No way! That's too common. Also, way too expensive for a first date. Of course she'd love it no matter what you pull because let's face it, this is Erika we're talking about, but she'd be too guilty of the expense."

"What? It's romantic! They also have the best food," I argue.

Paula breathes out a long breath that made me nervous, "I know it needs no reminder but, you do know Gab, right? Grew up with him, even?"

I nod, motioning to my left cheek, "Even left a lovely souvenir to commemorate the friendship."

"Anyway, Erika already had her share of extravagant dates with him. He also comes from a family of restaurateurs, so if the fancy hotel is anywhere near here, I can guarantee you he has connections. I'm not saying she won't enjoy expensive dates with you every once in a while, but think outside of the box for this one. This isn't the Prince and the Pauper, but not everything can be bought with money."

"I get what you mean," I nod slowly, "but if I can't spend money, what can I do?"

Paula shrugs, "You can make shit more memorable. You do know her almost as well as I do. Surprise her with something you don't have to spend a month's rent on."

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