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Disclaimer: Just so you know, i have put our two chapters of this story i think there was a glitch or something. But if you get confused reading this chapter. That is why.


The Bull's Sleaze saloon, just like its name suggested, was sleazy, tacky, and boorish, at least because of the regular outlaws and cowboys who would frequent the bar. But the main reason why it was so popular was due to the fact that this particular saloon was in the Mayor's ownership. He had invested a lot to turn this spot into a whore house with all the amenities of a saloon. The only reason Billie came here was because Lily-the keeper of the saloon-knew her secret and helped her keep it, and also because they had the best alcohol in the entire county.

Billie sat alone at a table, nursing the whiskey in her hand, reveling in the feel of the alcohol cooling down her irritation from earlier in the evening. It was particularly loud and rambunctious that night. Apparently, some outlaw had escaped from a hanging earlier that morning and now had a larger bounty on his head. Many of the cowboys were making plans to try to capture him and split the loot. They had ordered a lot of booze. And bought a lot of the women. Billie leaned back in her chair watching as some of the town cowboys held giggling girls in their laps, fondling them under their dresses.


If it weren't for the liquor, Billie would never come to this abomination of an establishment. This was the only whore house in the entire town, and Lily had told Billie about some pretty nasty rumours surrounding how the whores came to be found. Apparently, the mayor of their town, Wesley Carson, swindled people of their funds, subjecting them to bankruptcy. The men, he would enslave and send off to work in the mines further west, never to be seen again. The women and daughters? Forced to work as whores until their existent debts were repaid. Many people didn't question the legitimacy of this business, but Billie had a feeling there was some foul play involved.

Billie recognized a few of the girls traipsing about in too small dresses, their cleavage near bulging out of the top of their dresses. Girls she'd grown up with, only to suddenly become workers here when their fathers fell into crippling dept. A cute blonde sauntered by, looking for customers and winked at Billie as she passed. Billie pulled her hat further over her eyes, slightly embarrassed. This wasn't the first time she had been hit on as William, but it didn't make her feel any less uneasy. She was pretty sure that girl's name was Nora. And she was also pretty sure she had broken one of Nora's dolls in their childhood.

The things that happen to people...Damn.

"Lift up your skirt you dirty wench!"

Billie glanced over at the drunk man to her left. Not only was he being entirely too loud, but he was roughhousing the woman he had paid for. He had her wrist in a vice grip and was harshly yanking her around. She was petite and brunette, with her shoulder length hair curled around her face. Billie had seen her around for as long as she'd been coming to the saloon, but never really paid attention to her.

Billie leaned over, lowering the pitch. "Pipe down will you? I can't hear myself think."

He sneered at her, "Mind your own business young man."

Billie rolled her eyes and settled back into her chair. She recognized the man as one of the mayor's lackeys. A real ass of a man and one who came just about every other day to "play". She'd seen many of his decided playthings injured after sessions with him. A despicable married man of no worth. If Billie wouldn't get in trouble for it, she would shoot his balls off to teach him a lesson. Men like him were prime examples why she had no interest in marriage.

"Please let go..." the woman whimpered, her voice sounding strained, "You're hurting me."

"Now you listen to me" he barked, yanking the brunette closer as she struggled against his grip, "I bought you tonight. I'm paying for you wages. So if I tell you to do something, you do it."

Billie and Brandon: UntamedWhere stories live. Discover now