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When Billie slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she registered was the painful, soreness that seemed to be running through almost her entire body. Everything was tender and aching. Especially her inner thighs and under her navel. It was almost as bad as the pain she used to get when she was first learning to ride and her legs would be weak from riding and her thighs sore from the chafing and from using muscles she never was accustomed to using. Only this was more intense and more focused in one general area.

She remembered what had transpired between her and Brandon.

Billie almost immediately stiffened, her eyes widening when she finally paid attention to the fact that there was a muscled arm curled around her back holding her to the distinctly male body in front of her.

Oh fuck...

It was like a sudden recollection of memories replayed in her mind, reminding her of how he'd kissed her and touched her and where he'd touched her and where he'd put his mouth and his other part...

Billie's cheeks burned a little red and her heart battered in her chest. She'd never had such an out of body experience in her life. It had been way too intense. And almost frightening.

She glanced up, observing his face. He was breathing evenly, his eyes closed, a slight scowl on his face, the expression on his face unrelaxed. She wondered what he was dreaming about for him to look so disorientated.

Billie breathed out through her nose, a little conflicted, bringing her gaze back to his scarred chest. What the hell had she been thinking?

Well, she knew what she'd been thinking.

All-encompassing relief and desire and something else that bothered her. And the something else was definitely the reason why she had shucked all proprietary out the window and decided to let things get that far.

Because as much as Brandon bothered her, there was something about the softness hidden deep behind the cold rage that seemed to be quite prevalent in his eyes that made Billie feel something like apprehension at the thought of where they would go after the mess with Wesley was done. That apprehension had been lingering at the corner of her mind for a while, but now it was much stronger than before.

She hated it.

Brandon shifted, his grip around her back loosening the slightest bit, and Billie glanced back up to chocolate coloured eyes watching her silently that set her pulse on fire. Her breath hitched, and Billie averted her gaze with a frown.

"How long have you been awake?" she said in annoyance.

"An hour" She could see his smirk from her peripheral, "You snore in your sleep."

Billie's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Shut up."

They fell into a spell of silence, though Billie was not comfortable. It wasn't that Brandon made her uncomfortable. Despite the aches and pains her body was experiencing, the warmth from Brandon's body was pleasant, almost serene in a sense, which was pretty surprising seeing as how he was tense and the expression on his face was far from tranquil.


Her discomfort.

They were hiding out in this house until they recovered more in order to return to their own town, but what about her mother and her family? They still had to finish up the plan, and she knew she needed to make sure her mother was safe and free before she could even think of enjoying herself. Yet, she was lounging around, protected, while her family and mother were unaccounted for.

Billie and Brandon: UntamedWhere stories live. Discover now