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Brandon flagged Ezra, disguised as the bartender, for a refill of his bourbon, keeping his eyes on the rowdy man a few tables away, mistreating one of the brunette whores. Ezra passed the drink and nodded subtly to Brandon before continuing his rounds of cleaning the counters.

Brandon watched Davis discreetly from his secluded spot at the bar. He had been watching him like a hawk all evening. Through Ezra's careful and extended observations and recon, he had discovered that the mayor would show up at the Bull's Sleaze that evening to meet Davis to discuss some affairs of the town. So Brandon had perched himself at the bar, biding his time until Mayor Wesley would ultimately show up.

His plan had been full proof. Wait until the two men had got too intoxicated to function on booze and women, and then make his move as they retired for the night. He'd been waiting almost fourteen years to exact his revenge and put a bullet through that motherfucker's head. To ensure he could easily carry out his plan in full, Ezra was lying in wait to get the mayor's men out of the way.

It had been a perfect plan.

At least until some idiot thought it was a good idea to attack Davis, and take his woman.

Brandon recognised the short boy as the blonde son of the Donahoes family. As the head ranch hand at the Sputh horse ranch, Brandon was in charge of selling and buying horses and providing provisions to various farms and ranches. He'd seen the eldest son of the Donahoes come and go in the past but had never actually spoken to him until recently. Brandon had conversed with him for the first time a few months ago when Gerry Donahoe had asked him to stop by so he could buy some of the foals and colts. While Brandon had been observing the baby horses, he had watched Gerry's son climb out of an upstairs window and sneak to the stables.

When he realised Brandon had seen him, he had all but bitten his head off.

"Not a word of this to my papa, you hear?"

Brandon stared at him, amused that a kid who  barely topped his shoulders was speaking to him as if he were a bug under his feet. His voice even still held that effeminate quality of a boy who had not hit manhood yet.

"Did you hear me?" he repeated roughly, blue eyes acute and glinting.

"Crystal clear." Brandon turned away, chuckling to himself, "Not a word to your papa"

From what he knew about Mr. Donahoe, Brandon was fairly certain he would not approve of his son spending evenings in a seedy bar. And now the overzealous kid had gotten himself in a bad situation.

Not only was the kid being held at gun point by Davis, but the mayor had shown up and shit really hit the fan when he decided to shoot him.  Brandon watched the exchange, his blood boiling as he stared at Wesley. Brandon wanted nothing more to off him now and fulfill his wish for revenge, but he couldn't just sit and watch someone get killed for being decent.

Sighing in irritation, knowing he was setting himself up for disaster, Brandon pulled his black hat down so it covered most of his upper face and ambled over, past some gawking people staring at the mayor. He was certain Ezra was watching him in confusion, wondering what the hell he was doing and why he was deviating from the plan. And if Brandon really thought about it, he wasn't certain himself. He only hoped to God the mayor didn't recognise him. It had been more than a decade since they'd seen each other, but he didn't want to take any chances.

He stopped when he reached the confrontation, a little bit in front of the Donahoe boy.

"Now, now gentlemen. There's no need for violence."

The mayor's eyes remained on the boy, an unsettling glare in them, though he addressed Brandon. "Move along cowboy. This ain't any of your business."

Billie and Brandon: UntamedWhere stories live. Discover now