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Brandon slammed his beer bottle on the table with a low growl of irritation, "Why does everything always have to get so fucked up..."

Ezra leaned back in his chair, setting his booted feet up on the wooden table and chewing on the complementary straw of wheat he'd gotten from Lily. He was scouting the area, looking for someone.

"It's all good, Brandon. Just take a deep breath and calm down. We can figure this thing out when Billie finally gets here."

"It won't be that simple anymore. We've got a problem Ezra."

Ezra frowned and stopped his search, meeting Brandon's eyes with a slow trepidation building, "What do you mean?"

"If the mayor has my pistol, then he knows I survived. And he'll probably discover Everett and Sam soon enough. We don't have the element of surprise anymore."


Brandon nodded, taking another heavy gulp of his beer.

"Well do you have a plan?"

"Not yet..."

"Again? Brandon you're off your game, man." Ezra snorted.

Brandon shot him an annoyed glare before rolling his eyes, "I'm trying to think of a good strategy."

"Maybe Billie will think of something."

Brandon shot him an irked look again, and Ezra snickered, going back to chewing on his wheat and placing his arms behind his head. Goading Brandon when he was still in a volatile mood wasn't exactly a wise move, but Ezra couldn't help it. There weren't that many chances to pick on his partner. So if he had the opportunity, he would take it.

A small blonde haired boy plopped down in the empty chair at their table.

"I never could understand why it's so hard for a woman to get a whiskey when even a young looking short boy can get one...Damn sexist shit..." Billie groused, "Sorry I'm late. I had to wait for Papa to go to bed so I could steal some of his clothes."

She lifted up her arms, and they could clearly see the sleeves of her shirt were entirely too large around her slender arms. She had the shirt rolled up several times just so that her hands could be seen. They stared at her in some awe.

"I'm a little shocked at how good your disguise is." Ezra said, staring at her, "You look like a real boy."

Billie rolled her eyes, "My disguise isn't that impenetrable. The reason you can never tell I'm a girl in a first place is because all you mean are clueless." She took a long sip of her drink and released a lengthy, satisfied burp.

"Clueless? You're not exactly ladylike, you know..." Ezra muttered, scouting the main area and floor once again. There were a lot of women out working tonight.

"So...What's her name?" Brandon started, "The whore you want to free."

"Her name is Maggie." Billie said, somewhat quietly. She didn't supply any more information, and Ezra and Brandon glanced at each other in suspicion. Once again, she was clearly hiding something.

"So what do you want Ezra and me to do about it?" Brandon continued, "Can't you just help her escape?"

"The only was she can escape without being dragged back in as a convict is by eliminating her debt." She met his gaze, her blue eyes bright and sparking with fire. "And the only way to do that...is by getting rid of the mayor who instituted the debt. And that's where you come in."

Ezra frowned, "Look. I sympathize with you. My woman is also stuck in this whore house, but we've been trying to kill him for a while. It's not that simple. He's got so many lackeys and guards that he's damn near untouchable. We did have a chance once..."

Billie and Brandon: UntamedWhere stories live. Discover now