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In retrospect, jumping out the window probably wasn't the greatest plan, but he honestly had no option but to, especially when they were being pressed from both sides.

They landed roughly in the brambles, their fall broken somewhat by the man who had previously fallen down there. There was a slight inclined slope and they tumbled down, getting attacked by the bush all the way down. Thorns tugged and ripped all their clothes and skin and hair. He wasn't sure when he had let go of Billie, but by the time he had stopped rolling and getting thrashed about and cut by a million sharp tiny needles and twigs, she wasn't in his arms anymore.

He opened his eyes and looked around for her.


Billie groaned in pain nearby.

"You fucker..."

He found her a few yards away from him, sprawled on her stomach and not moving, and he crawled over to her, trying to ignore the way his arm felt like it was on fire. His entire body was hurting and creaking in pain. He wasn't even sure if their landing had been clean. He felt like his whole body was broken.

"Billie. Are you okay...?"

She lifted her head up, her expression definitely displeased. She looked drained and through the small amount of light from the mansion, he could just make out her sleepy eyes, blinking slowly to clear her vision.

The piece of his shirt he had wrapped around her hand was almost completely darkened with her blood and was even now dripping from the excess. She had thorns in her hair and clinging to her body and clothes and a long scratch running across her cheek.

Shit. That fall must have really taken its toll on her body.

"What kind of dumbass...jumps out of a second story window..." Her breathing was laboured, but she inclined her head towards the upper window, where some of the men were staring down into the darkness, trying to search for the fugitives who had just leapt out. "Just get Nightlock. And hurry"

Brandon nodded and stumbled his way to the stable, pulling open the door Nightlock was whinnying loudly and on his hind hooves, clearly spooked by the sound of gunshots ringing in the house nearby.

"Nightlock! It's okay! It's me." Brandon took his face and stared him straight in the eyes, trying to soothe the wild horse, "Billie's in trouble. You need to calm down."

Nightlock slowly relaxed and when he had calmed down, Brandon untied him and tugged him along out of the stable to where Billie still remained on the ground. For a split second, Brandon became worried when it looked like she wasn't breathing. He crouched next to her, turning her over carefully and pulling her so she was sitting up.

"Billie" he held her gingerly against his chest, being careful not to jostle her around too much. Her hair tumbled away from her face and fell in waves over his shoulder and arm.

"I'm alive..." She tried to smile, though it was more like a grimace. Her eyes were shut tight, and it looked like she was concentrating on taking deep breaths, in and out. "But everything hurts like a bitch..."

"We're getting out of here in a second." He scooped her up into his arms, carrying her over to Nightlock, who nudged him worriedly, "Can you hold yourself up on Nightlock?"

She gave him a raised brow, "Of course I can, you idiot. I'm injured. Not dead" And then she grimaced again.

Ignoring how relentlessly his arm was fighting it's usage, he helped push her up on Nightlock. She did the best she could with her one useful hand, but they struggled to get her up. She was barely able to move her body. And when she was finally on the saddle, she slumped forward against Nightlock's mane, her hands hanging loosely by her side. Her leg was bleeding incredibly heavily and chills wracked her entire body. He stooped for a moment and stared at her shock. She looked like a bloody mess and her face was pale. Her breathing was thick and uneven. How much pain was she in? Billie was definitely not okay. He needed to find help.

Billie and Brandon: UntamedWhere stories live. Discover now