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As Wesley's horse approached the edge of the Summit, he narrowed his eyes. Most of his men had stopped well before they reached the edge and were sitting idly by waiting for him. They had bewildered and startled expressions on their faces.

He stopped his horse in the middle of the pack, eyes blazing with displeasure.

"Why is everyone standing around?" he said lowly.

One of his braver men swallowed thickly, recognizing that the mayor's outstanding temper's fuse had already snapped long ago, and he couldn't be held accountable to act in a calm manner.

"Well...they jumped into Death Valley, sir."

Wesley's eyebrows twitched.

Before anyone could even see his hand reach for his gun, he had it cocked and shot the man in the chest. The man's horse whinnied in confusion and fright, rising to its hind legs at the loud noise and knocking the dead body on its back onto the ground.

"What the fuck do you mean they jumped...?" Wesley muttered under his breath, glaring at the rest of them, daring them to respond.

Everyone back their horses a bit away from the mayor. Clearly, he had lost any shreds of sanity he may have had left.

"Christ Wesley!" someone courageously said, "Why the fuck did you have to shoot him? You can't kill everyone who pisses you off!"

The next person who plays games with me will be tied to four horses and tom to shreds." He growled, brown eyes glinting dangerously, "Now where the fuck are they?"

One of his advisors stared at him incredulously, "They really jumped Mayor Wesley! Straight over the side of the cliff. Ezra and the brunette whore did."

"I see..." Wesley slipped his gun back in his holster. The men all visibly relaxed at the sight, slumping in their saddles at the decrease of immediate danger.

It must have been Maggie's idea, no doubt. She'd always had a penchant for rebellious and crazy ideas on occasion. But this idea was plain ridiculous. They could have been dead for all he knew. But that was two less pains in his ass he had to worry about.

Besides, it didn't matter.

He had won.

Regardless of whether or not they survived, they could not dare come back to his town. They were wanted outlaws and criminals. The minute they stepped foot in the precipice of the town, he would have them shot to death or hanged.

It was a shame that he had lost proper leverage to ensnare Billie, but he knew she'd come back eventually. Her only family was here. And once she came back, he'd break her.

And then he'd destroy that little shit Brandon.

Wesley's lip curled in disgust. He should have done away with him for real years ago. But he wouldn't make that mistake of letting him live again once he found him.

Clay, one of his chief advisers, rode up to the Summit a short while later, pulling up next to Wesley with a grim look on his face.

"Did you capture the Donahoe family?"

"They escaped Wesley" Clay frowned, "They shot down Thomas and Dean. House was totally abandoned. Everything important taken."

Wesley's jaw set in annoyance, and he let out a low growl.

"How the hell did an entire family manage to escape capture with all of their stuff without being seen?"

"I don't know."

Wesley smirked. It was no matter anyway. He suspected Billie wouldn't know the Donahoe's escape. And he had no doubt she would be coming back eventually because of that fact.

"...There's more Wesley."

"What?" he snapped irritably.

Clay leaned back a little in his saddle, clearly unsettled by Wesley's venomous expression and deranged glare.

He swallowed, "We inspected your office as you requested."

Wesley rose a brow.


All the men waited with baited breath.

"I don't know how she managed it, but Billie Donahoe took every deed of land in the city. Every contract for the whores. All paperwork was stolen. Diagrams, maps. The plans for the mine. The plots of gold we swindled. Bank statements and contracts. Everything."

There were a couple beats of silence where the mayor stared at Wesley without an expression, his breathing slow and even. And then his face slowly turned red in fury.

He opened his mouth and released a raw, animalistic, enraged scream that made everyone's blood chill in fright. If their mayor had been angry before, he was absolutely livid now. They all backed up some more, fearful for their own lives.

Wesley gripped his reins so tightly, the leather imprinted itself in his skin.

Those damned criminals!

They had made a fool out of him.

They had sent him on a wild goose chase when they had already wreaked havoc and taken what they needed.

He didn't even know which person had what documents on them. They had already won before he had could have even picked up on the fact that he was playing their game.

His lips trembled in barely restrained rage as he addressed the group. "Gather your pistols and whatever shit you need and wait to see if that goddamned outlaw and whore climb back up. Take them into custody and bring them to me."

"And you" He turned to Clay, "Take the rest of your men and find Brandon and Billie. When you find them, don't kill them. I have plans for Brandon and his little bitch."

Clay nodded and headed on his way.

Wesley watched the horizon, brows furrowed tight. He had tried to be pleasant and had been willing to allow them a quick, fairly painless death, but they had played him and tested his patience and now he was done with being benevolent.

He would make them all suffer.

He would rip off Ezra's limbs and mangle Maggie until she was unrecognizable and tear them both apart and make them wish they were dead. And when they couldn't fight anymore and were fighting for their life, he'd set them on fire.

And for Brandon? Oh, he had something special in mind for the cowboy.

He would fuck Billie right in front of Brandon until she couldn't move then decapitate the whore and out her head through a stake. He would take everything from Brandon. And when all was said and done, he would shove a bayonet into Brandon's chest and watch him bleed out slowly in crippling pain.

A maniacal, eager smile slowly grew on Wesley's face.

He would show them no mercy.

They'd made the wrong decision to pick a fight with Wesley Carson.


I think that I got too carried away with the description so I apologise. The apologies late but um yeah. Enjoy.

Billie and Brandon: UntamedWhere stories live. Discover now