Enchanted Forest

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3 point of view

The start of this tale is about two twins who got separated at birth one of them was sent off to a cottage with a new family because he was too “different” the other brother lived in a castle with the royal family. The other twin lived in a cottage with people that were diabolical. As soon as he turned 18 he ran as far away to a town that was close to the kingdom. He moved in with two brothers by the names of janus and virgil. The other brother was raised by his parents and learned how to be a king. Though the twins are important they are not who the stories are about a boy named virgil. Who keeps to himself and never tried to put himself out there but he did love to paint. He lived with two boys Remus, a boy who is tall and likes to dress in green. The other boy is named Janus. He was half snake and he was Virgil's older brother so he was super protective. Today Virgil was going into the forest to paint like everyday so he said 

“bye Janus bye Remus i am going to the forest”.

To which Janus replied “bye virgil be careful”.

 Virgil already out the door yelled “I will”. As he walked through the forest he reminded himself to watch his step through the vines.Then he went over the river the way he knew by heart and went to the place where he loved to paint.

Roman point of view

Today I decided to go outside to get some fresh air from the non stop lecturing of Logan the history teacher. So I quickly ran out the window as soon as Logan turned around he yelled “Prince Roman we are not done yet” clearly with anger in his voice. 

I yelled back “What I can't hear you”.

I went through the main gates and went through a deep part of the forest that I have never been to. Of course I was not scared, I was always looking for adventure but I came across a boy who was singing with the most beautiful voice. I stood there in aw and I started to come closer then i stepped on a stick.

Virgil's point of view

I hear a snap, I turn around to see a prince. I fell over scared and had a blushing face. It was as red as a strawberry ‘did he hear me sing? Of course he heard me sing’ i look down to see my hands are all bloody and my arms scraped. He rushed over and asked me “are you okay? Do you need help?” Before I could even answer he picked me up bridal style and he said 

“oh never mind i am taking you to the hospital wing”

I freak out and hold his neck. I yell “d-don't drop m-me” he smirks and says “Mi Arimo i would never”(sorry if i miss spelt it or anything i could not find out how to) what does that even mean. He starts to carry me towards the castle. I freak out “where are we going? can you put me down?” he thinks for a moment and says “I am taking you to the castle's hospital wing and no i won't put you down.” I get really angry and start to struggle but just makes him hold me tighter and I say “Come on put me down i can walk.” he smirks and says “My emo nightmare i will not put you down.” We made it to the gates of the castle, I got really embarrassed and put my face into his chest.

Romans point of view

I started to blush as he buried his face into my chest but kept going into the castle to go to the hospital wing. As we came closer i Could feel people staring at us. I could tell he felt it too because he started to hyperventilate and he held on tighter. Then I started to run to the hospital wing. 

Hey i hope you liked it and if you did and want to know what will happen next tell me also if any of you have any ideas then i would love to try and do that idea so for right now i hope you liked it so bye!!

(736 words)
LOL Sorry Any way still hope you like it

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