Enchanted Forest (AU part two)

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Once we went to the hospital wing Remy asked "What happend girl?" I quickly put the boy on the bed. He seemed to pass out due to stress, I panicked and told Remy the whole story. He said "He will be fine don't stress it babe"

Virgil's point of view

I woke up and blinked a little and saw the man that took me here fell asleep. Then i jumped up 'What time is it? oh no Janus is going to be worried sick' I looked around and I saw a man who was tall with sunglasses on and sipping some coffee and he looked at me and said "Hi im Remy be careful okay? What's the matter?"

I could only say one thing but with a shaky voice "what time is it?"

He answered "It's 8:00 why?"

I started to have a anxiety attack apparently i woke up the prince because he immediately grabbed my hand and said "breath in for four seconds"

I obeyed and then he said "Good now hold it for seven seconds"

I started to calm down and then he gave me a reassuring smile and said "You are doing great now breath out for eight seconds"

I did so and felt calm and said "T-thank you"

He gave me the most warm smile and said "Your welcome now you need to rest"

I shook my head and said "N-no I need to get to Janus and Remus they are probably worried sick"

I bit my nails He said "Okay but you need to stay here i will have someone go and inform them that you are okay"

Then he asked Remy "Can you please go get Emile?"

Remy sighed "alright girl but make sure that he goes easy"

Remy left and my hands started shaking and took a deep breath as I kept shaking. The prince looked at me and grabbed my hand and stared at me and asked "What's your name" he noticed that that question scared me because I started shaking again.

Roman point of view

I scared him again. Can I do anything right but as an instinct i hug him and say "Hey i am sorry do you need some water? food? when Emlie gets here he can help you more he is a therapist"

He stutters and says "N-no i think im okay c-can I tell you my n-name later?"

I smile at him and say "Yeah don't worry about it do you know who i am"

He shakes his head and says "N-no but i know you are a prince considering your clothing can i call you P-Princy for right now?"

I chuckled and said "Yeah you can only if i can call you Anxiety"

He gave a little smile and said "sure Princy"

I smiled because he was being so nice and not too formal and saying Prince Roman that always bothered me. Then Remy opened the door for Emile and Emile asked "You needed me?" Then looked at the boy next to me and said "oh are you okay sir?"

He just kinda sat there and said "I'm okay now thank you"

He smiled back and then i asked "can you go and inform ... sorry i forgot who you needed"

Anxiety said "It's fine there names are Janus and Remus they live in a cottage next to a abandoned town"

Emile just smiled and said "okay i will go right away"

Janus's point of view

I started pacing around scared to leave because what if he left and Virgil came back then I would not be able to see him and still be searching.Or if he just fell asleep or something then he would be alone in the dark. I started to run back and forth and Remus gave me a hug and said "Don't worry he is probably fine"

He sat me down and I just sat there stressing out then I heard someone knock on the door and Remus and I jumped up. We sprinted to the door and opened the door. Instead of Virgil they saw a man in a tan outfit and he said in a reassuring voice "You are Janus and Remus right?"

Still in shock I answered "Yes" in a panicked voice. I asked "Is Virgil okay?!?"

He smiled and said "Yes he is staying in the castle tonight he fell and scraped his hands and then had a panic attack so the prince insisted for him to stay till tomorrow"

Still panicked I asked "does he need some clothes? can i come to check on him?"

He chuckled a little and answered "No he already fell asleep he will come back tomorrow" Remus put his hand on my shoulder as I breathed and calmed down a little. He whispered "Are you okay? do you need anything?"

I just sighed and looked at the man and said "Okay see you tomorrow" Then I closed the door and hugged Remus and cried.

(hope you guys are injoying it so far)
(874 words)

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