Enchanted Forest (AU part four)

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it is corrently 1:47 and i writeing like crazy so here is part four

Until they saw Anxiety he patted my back and whispered "Are you okay your hands are shaking violently?"

my hands didn't stop shaking and I could not make out a word my heart was in my throat. I could barely breathe I fell to the floor and tears rushing down my face he quickly grabbed my hand and said "look around and think of five things you can see"

I quickly looked around and I saw him, table, chairs, floor, and my parents then he said "Okay now four things you can touch"

I could feel him, the floor, my heart pounding, and my socks I could sorta breath again He smiled and said "You are doing great now three things you can hear"

I heard my heart pounding, him, and the birds tweeting outside. I could breathe almost normal He smiled again and said "Okay good now two things you smell"

I could smell the food and the outside, My hands started to shaking He gave me a hug and said "You are almost done no one thing you can taste"

I smiled and I could taste the water that he had before he woke up. My Hands stopped shaking and my breathing went back to normal and now I stopped sobbing.

Virgil's point of view

As he started to calm down I glared at his parents knowing that they were the ones who caused it. They looked shocked that someone would glare at them which made me smirk. I look back down to see that he was smiling at me. I didn't understand why I glared at his parents and i havent done anything for him. He was the one who helped me. I even passed out in his arms due to a panic attack 'i am a wimp'. I realize that he was talking to me and he stares at me and I have a blank face.

Romans point of view

I panic and see him glaring at my parents and I start to talk to him "i- t-thank you. T-that's the first a-anyone has helped me c-calm down...." I started rambling. Then he looked down at me and looked at me with a blank stare I could tell he wasn't listening to me. Then I asked a question I was not planning to ask "Can I ever see you again?"

Virgil's point of view

His words hit me hard i didnt think about him actually wanting to see me. Since the last time I had someone who wanted me in their life they hurt me so bad they loved to see pain in my eyes. I replied "it's up to Janus and Remus but next time can we stay in the forest and if we leave can we tell them first?" His eyes lit up and I could feel a little dust of blush on my cheeks. He just looked so happy and his eyes just looked so pretty as the light hit his eyes and his gorgeous smile was just so cute. Then he yelled "Of course Anxiety!!" I didn't show it but his reaction made me so happy. Just the fact that he cared about me so much that he would come to see me in the forest made my heart flutter. Then he turned to his parents and asked "can i come to drop off Anxiety?" They looked at me then each other. It was clear that they did not trust me but the begrudgingly replied and said "knowing you no matter what we say you will go so you can." Even though I was still angry I smiled at the fact that he would come even if they said no. Then I realized that I was in an embarrassing outfit with a pink shirt and light blue pants. If things could get worse I realized that I was still holding his hand and I went red.

Roman point of view

He all of a sudden turned red and I realized why we were holding hands and his outfit because I knew that he had a purple and black jaket when I found him. Then I got up and stretched my arm out and asked "do you wanna go get your hoodie?" he froze for a second and grabbed my hand and whispered "yes thank you"

Alright and the word count is drum role please ..... 751!!!!

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