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Jo was in the bathroom, painting a black splotch on her nine-month-old's nose. "You're going to be the cutest little Dalmatian ever. Right, Haze?" she grinned at her as she babbled Mama back. When she had first said the word two weeks ago, Alex swore Jo was going to faint from excitement. He couldn't blame her, either. He was excited, too. As sad as it was to see their little girl grow up, they loved to see the spunky girl she was growing into.
She slid her white tutu with black spots on Hazel's chunky torso, then stuck the dog ear headband on her. "Let's go show Daddy!" she picked her up and sat her on her hip, walking out to the kitchen. "Alex, look!" She held their daughter out for him to see.

"Oh, very cute, Hazel. Did you pick it yourself?" he joked, walking toward them. He covered both of Hazel's cheeks in kisses before planting a single kiss on his fiancés lips. "Are you sure about going out? We could just stay in and watch movies." he said. Jo had barely left the loft since the news of Paul being out of jail. When she did, it was with Alex glued to her side. They had taken Hazel to the park and done a few grocery trips. And, of course, doctor and therapy appointments. The rest was deemed unimportant. Alex was even home from work now. He didn't mind it, though. He liked spending time with them, and he didn't like the idea of them being home alone either.

"Yeah, I'm sure. It's her first Halloween and I don't want her cooped up in the house for it. Just stay with me me. At every point during trick-or-treating, okay?" She looked at him with desperation.

"Always." He cupped her cheek in his hand. He gave her another soft kiss before the sound of Hazel's babbles and gurgles filled the room, breaking the thick air in the room. "I won't be leaving you either." he laughed.

Later, Jo and Alex met with Meredith, Derek, their three kids, and Mark and Lexie. Lexie was now five months pregnant with a healthy boy. Despite their bickering, Mark and Lexie were happier than ever. They were constantly discussing names, wherever and whenever. It reminded Jo and Alex of the months leading up to Hazel's arrival.

Jo was in a costume matching her daughters. With the tutu and everything. As much as she pestered him to wear the rest of the outfit, Alex refused and was now only wearing the ear headband.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" Meredith gawked at him. Even she was wearing more than that. Sure, it was just her white doctors coat and scrubs with a stethoscope around her neck, but it was something.

"A dog." He flicked the floppy ear, dismissing her.

Jo gave a disapproving huff before changing the topic of conversation. "How are you feeling, Lex? Got a name yet?" she asked. She held Hazel on her hip as she talked. She smirked at Ellis and Bailey sitting in the wagon Derek was towing, and Zola holding her mothers hand.

"Sore," Lexie chuckled. "No name yet. But we've got ideas. We're thinking Samuel, Maxwell, and, uh, what were the rest?"

"Elliot, Reid, and Oliver." he finished for her. "Those are our favourites right now, but I think Maxwell and Elliot are taking the lead." He put his hand around Lexie's waist and looked down at her extended belly. She made a very pretty pregnant woman.

After a few name suggestions were thrown around, the kids started to get antsy. So they started to trick-or-treat. They completed a two blocks before Hazel was passed out on Alex's chest, Lexie's feet were swollen beyond repair, and the youngest Grey-Shepherd kids were getting tired. Now that they were inside of Meredith and Derek's house, Jo felt like she could breathe. Constantly looking over her shoulder was getting exhausting. Zola was the only one left with a little bit of  energy left to sort through her candy to pick out the nut ones. Hazel was asleep in Ellis' pack and play downstairs. Both her and her mother took their tutu's and ears off, so they were left in a matching spotted long sleeve and legging set.

"Daddy." Zola held out an Oh Henry! to Derek. He was currently busy setting up a movie for Ellis and Bailey to fall asleep to. During this, Jo saw a blimp of the news pass by with an unforgettable face next to the words found and body.

"Wait, go back." She had been waiting for an update, but they had all been inconclusive. However, when this one played through, she knew she could finally let out the breath she had been holding for good. Paul had been found dead in a ditch somewhere. Presumed to be murder.

"He can't hurt us anymore." Jo looked at Alex, who seemed just as relieved. For the rest of the night, the group celebrated the safety the Karev's were in now. They could leave the house without a constant presence looming over them. But most importantly. They could get their lives back, which were taken from them long before Paul got out.

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