chapter 1- pop

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"i'm going out!"

alejandro stood at the door of their apartment, his hand resting on the door handle. his eyebrows furrowed when his little sister never answered, silence surrounding him other than the filtering of the blue illuminated fish tank.

"juno!", he sighed and made his way back down the hall. he had shut off all the lights and proceeded to turn them back on again so he could see.

"junes, answer me, i'm going out. do you need anything?", alejandro lazily knocked on his sisters closed door. the sign that was stuck onto the wood was peeling and he made a reminder to get her a new one.

when she failed to respond he opened the door slowly. growing concerned when he only saw a rising and falling bundle of blankets.

"junie, you good?", all he received was a little whine. juniper's head poked out, her hair going in various directions.

"just cramps.", alejandro looked towards the tampons that lay on the bedside table and the multiple advil pills that were probably thrown carelessly down.

"you need anything while i'm out? we got icecream but do you want some more?", juniper shook her head and snuggled back down into her mound of blankets and comforter.

the a/c was on and so was her fan, knowing she overheated, alejandro didn't comment on it, only choosing to step up to her bed.

"i'll be back in a few hours, text me if you need anythin', junes.", he kissed her forehead, as an act of affection and simultaneously checking her temperature.

"'kay. be safe.", she mumbled tiredly. he patted her shoulder softly before straightening himself and walking out the door, shutting the door.

as he was passing the threshold to the apartment his phone rang loudly with a call. his head whipped around cautiously, hoping he didn't just disturb his entire condo level.

alejandro's thumb hurriedly pressed the bright green button at the bottom of the screen and shoved his phone between his shoulder and ear.

"si?", he answered playfully. raymond, on the other hand, wasn't very amused.

"where's your ass been? we've been waiting here for hella long, brother.", ray's voice was irritated, he was the impatient one of the group.

"just got caught up with some things, don't sweat it, bro.", alejandro jogged down to the hall towards the elevator.

"you're driving, this shits just stupid.", and that's where the call ended. he shook his head exasperatedly and pressed the elevator buttons as if it would speed up.


"what's with all this crap back here?", alejandro pushed around the black bags that lay in the trunk of the car.

"that's the shit we're selling, we got multiple tonight. your girl got us hooked up with a chancho.", they called the celebrities a pig because that's how they acted when they were on drugs.

"be respectful, b.", charles, knocked his shoulder against raymond's playfully, they definitely had something going on.

alejandro scrunched his nose and raised an eyebrow questioningly, they both set themselves apart and cleared their throats.

"i can't be out too long, boys. june needs me back home soon. i don't trust her in this neighborhood.", he clicked his tongue and shut the trunk roughly. his watchful eyes looking for anyone that could be lurking.

"this neighborhood? you live in a condo, my guy. it's safe there, you're 20 levels too high for somebody to wanna break in.", charles hopped in behind the other two and made himself comfortable with his legs thrown over ray's thighs.

"can never trust nobody, everywhere is dangerous, g.", alejandro shook his head as he changed shift and backed out of the parking spot.


"come on, you know the rules, jayson. pay up or your ass gets beat.", alejandro snarled, showing off his diamond grill. the glock stuffed into the front of his cargo pants threateningly.

"i don't have the money right now...", jayson mumbled as his finger scratched his scruffy beard. he was a frequent buyer and was known for coming up short with his payments.

"remember what i told you last time, jay jay?", alejandro craned his neck to get a better look at the way jayson's face morphed from guilt to fear.

"no..please...i'll have it by tomorrow. this won't happen again!", jayson backed up with his hands out pleadingly.

"can't pay to shop you'll get popped. it was nice taking all your money.", in one quick motion alejandro's gun was out from its place and in front of the middle aged man's face.

fear dripping down his face, his eyes darting around frantically, silently searching for help. though he found none in the two boys standing behind alejandro like statues, stone faces casted, jayson rushed forward and grabbed their shoulders.

"you need to help me, tell him..tell him i'll have it by tomorrow! he'll listen to you! please, i'm begging you, i have kids...", charles, being taller than him, shoved him back with a hard push. he was sent hurdling to the ground, the palms of his hands scraping against the gravel.

"it was nice to know you, jayson. i really thought you had your shit together.", he scrambled backwards and shot up onto his feet, clumsily scampering down the dark road.

alejandro grinned cynically and let him run off for a few seconds before he raised his glock once again, training it on his back.



901 words
how are you guys feeling about this?
got some good vibes from it?
i know this first chapter was short, storm and calm having under 1k words for most of the chapters, but i promise this book will have longer ones.
stay safe and i love you

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