Chapter 18

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Ethan was still staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face, which was starting to make me feel uncomfortable. 

"Well in my defense, I didn't know you were only going to stay inside for like 30 seconds," I said in exasperation, giving up all attempts at lying. 

His face twisted into a smirk. "I forgot my phone in my car," he said with a shrug. "Also, if you're going to follow someone you should probably wait a few minutes before getting out your car," he snorted. 

"How come you're not mad at me?" I said genuinely confused why he wasn't yelling at me for basically stalking him. 

He shrugged. "I think I've expressed my anger enough for one day, and besides I find it hard to be mad at you," he said giving me a weak smile.

 "So, what are you up to..." I said rocking back and forth on my heels. 

We just stared awkwardly at each other for a while before he started chuckling to himself like a crazy person. 

"You're not subtle chubs.... I know you're just trying to figure out why I was fighting Connor." He said in amusement.

 "Maybe..." I drawled out slowly. 

He let out a heavy sigh. "I'll tell you one day okay, just not today," he said softly.

I nodded my head in acceptance. "Can I at least know why you're here?" I asked weakly.

 He paused for an uncomfortably long time and shifted nervously in his place. " have to go to counseling because of my anger." He swallowed. "You witnessed first-hand this morning what happens when I don't keep it in check," he said chuckling harshly. 

"Oh," I said in surprise. 

He groaned and ran a hand threw his hair. "You think I'm a nut-case don't you" he mumbled weakly, as he avidly avoided eye contact with me. 

My eyes softened as I looked at him. "No of course not. I don't think there's anything remotely nutty about trying to improve yourself. What kind of friend would I be if I judged you for not being perfect, huh?" I smiled warmly. 

The corners of his mouth lifted into a shy smile. "Thanks, Chubs, that means a lot," he said softly.

 "No problem," I whispered. We both just stood there staring at each other for a couple of seconds with stupid grins on our faces, before Ethan coughed awkwardly and interrupted out little moment. 

"I guess I'll see you around stalker," he said with a teasing smirk, before walking off in the direction of his car to retrieve his forgotten phone.

 I watched him leave with a smile on my face, before slowly turning around and starting to make my way back to Chloe's car.

Wait a second did he just call me a stalker!


"Just pick one for God's sake, Chloe, they literally all look the same," I snapped angrily, causing a few customers to turn our way. 

We were at the mall and Chloe was taking years to choose between a pair of shoes, and I was getting testy because I hadn't eaten in over 2 hours. 

"She has a point, Chloe, I honestly can't see a difference," May said nodding her head in agreement. 

"You guys just have no eye for detail," Chloe said rolling her eyes at us. 

My stomach then decided to make a loud growling sound and I grew ten times more irritated. "Look Chloe if we don't get some lunch in a couple of minutes, don't act surprised when I attempt to kill you." I threatened coldly, glaring at her with a murderous expression on my face. 

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