Chapter 42

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It was lunchtime. Chloe, May, and I had decided to eat our lunch on the bleachers so we could enjoy the hot mid-afternoon sun. 

"So, I'm guessing Math didn't go as well as planned," Chloe winced as she took in my miserable demeanor.

 "It literally couldn't have gone worse. He humiliated me in front of the entire class," I spat bitterly. 

"Hey, at least, it got him to stop ignoring you," May piped in optimistically. Well, that was true, at least I got him to speak a few measly words to me.

That was something..

As I sat up straighter, my eye latched on to a group of people coming towards the field. I squinted my eyes to see better, and I saw it was a few people from the soccer team, and you guessed it- Ethan. 

"Well, speak of the devil I guess," I sighed. He couldn't just let me enjoy the sun in peace and had to flaunt his hot body right in front of me just to remind me what I lost. 

Lucas, who was also amongst them looked up and saw us. He gave us a little wave and blew a kiss at May. 

"Ooo. What the fuck was that?" I said as I nudged May in excitement.

"Oh right. About that," May winced. "He might have maybe asked me to be his girlfriend, and I might have maybe said yes. Did I forget to mention that?" she rambled out nervously. 

"What!" Chloe and I screamed at the same time.

 "You bitch, why didn't you tell us," Chloe yelled. 

"Well, I was getting around to it..." May mumbled in a quiet, guilt-ridden voice.

 I gave her a dirty look, not at all impressed by her lack of sharing.

 "When did he ask?" Chloe sang in excitement.

 "Yesterday afternoon, he just came over to my house and just blurted it out," May explained with a cheesy smile on her face.

 "Aww," Chloe and I squealed at the same time.

 "We really need to stop doing that," I said as I looked over at Chloe in amusement.

We sat in silence for a few minutes and just watching the guys play. As much as I tried not to, my eyes always found themselves drawn back to Ethan so they could stare obsessively at his every move.

  I needed to get out of here before I ran out to him and did something stupid...

"I'm thirsty, I think I'm gonna go refill my bottle," I sighed as I started to stand up.

 May looked up at me, and her eyes sparkled in amusement. "Are you sure you're not thirsty for something or someone else?" May giggled.

  Dang it, she was on to me. 

"Shut up," I mumbled in embarrassment.

I skipped my way down the bleacher and started to cut across the school field. As I walked, one of the soccer guys called my name and started to jog over to me. I stopped and looked back at him in surprise. I've barely spoken a single word to this guy, so I had absolutely no idea why he wanted to talk to me. 

He was a familiar face that I'd seen a few times around the corridor. I used to think he was kind of attractive with his blonde hair and cute boy next door type look, but, now that had all changed, and all I could think about was how much he paled in comparison to Ethan.

 He slowed down to a halt in front of me. "Hey, Mia, right?" the boy asked with a bright happy grin.

 "Yeah..." I drawled hesitantly. I was incredibly surprised he knew my time considering we didn't share any classes.

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