Chapter 49

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Ethan and I had finished our hike and had decided to go hang out at the cabin. We seemed to be the first group to finish as nobody else was around.

 "I'm so hungry, they barely feed us at this stupid place," I sighed as I flopped down onto the sofa dramatically.

 Ethan chuckled and took a seat beside me. "How do you think I feel? You stole half my lunch, little miss greedy pants," he teased. 

I crossed my arms angrily. "It's your fault for eating so slow, I was just trying to teach you a lesson on the importance of eating fast," I said defensively. 

He raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Excellent, I'll keep that in mind the next time you're eating slowly," he said with a cheeky grin. 

I gave him a nasty glare. "You'd be instantly dead to me," I snapped. 

"Really, now?" he said as his eyes sparkled in interest. 

"Yes," I stated confidently. 

"I'm not sure about that. I can think of a million, wonderful ways I could make it up to you," he whispered suggestively as he shuffled closer to me on the sofa.

 I ignored the flutter in my stomach. "I'm not that easily seduced Ethan," I snapped as I rolled my eyes at him. 

He chuckled and leaned even closer to me, so he had me cornering me up against the armrest. I swallowed nervously as I breathed in his mind-numbingly good scent.

 "What if I was to do this?" he whispered gruffly as he placed a sweet kiss underneath my ear, "And this," he smirked as he kissed my cheek. "Or maybe even this," he said teasingly as he pressed his lips against the corner of my mouth. 

He was now nearly completely on top of me and was supporting his weight on the arms. "Would you still be mad?" he whispered smoothly, his minty breath brushing against my lips. 

 I could barely think straight with him so close, and my mind felt all fuzzy and confused. I couldn't remember for the life of me what the fuck we were talking about.

 " don't...ugh... just shut up and kiss me already," I groaned in frustration. 

The corners of his eyes crinkled in amusement as he looked down at me. "As you wish Chubs," he whispered as his eyes dropped down to my lips, and he closed the distance between us.

"Yo, Yo, yo, Anyone home?" an obnoxiously loud voice yelled. 

Ethan and I both jumped in shock at the sound of the booming voice. Before we had time to move, the cabin door swung open, and Lucas and May walked in. Their eyes widened, and their jaws dropped as they took in the sight of us.

 I'm guessing we looked quite the sight since Ethan was still on top of me, and our faces were centimeters apart. 

"Holy fucking shit," May yelled as she dropped her bag on the floor overdramatically.

 This drove me into action, and I immediately shoved Ethan off me. I cleared my throat awkwardly and adjusted myself quickly, so I was sitting up properly. 

I gave them a friendly smile. "Hey guys, how was the hike?" I asked coolly in an attempt to re-direct the attention off of us. 

"Forget the fucking hike. What the hell is happening here?" Lucas said as quirked an eyebrow up in amusement.

Then the door opened for a second time, and Chloe and April sauntered in. "What's going on?" Chloe asked as she looked around at everyone in confusion.

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