Chapter 27

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I let out a heavy sigh as I stared up at the white empty surface of my bedroom ceiling. God was I bored!

 It was a quiet Sunday afternoon, and both my parents had gone out, leaving me abandoned and home alone. Now, I had resulted to spreading myself out like a starfish on my bed as I contemplated what to do. My eyes drifted around the room until they landed on my speakers. I smirked.

  Well, I guess since nobody's home...

With an excited grin, I got up, grabbed my phone, and put on my favorite playlist. Then, I cranked the volume up on my speakers to full blast, till the room felt like it was practically shaking.

  Yeah, I know, my neighbors love me.

 As the track started to beat out some sultry beyond song, I jumped on to my stage (or as it is otherwise known my bedroom floor) and started to dance my heart out. I didn't even care that I probably looked insane, it's not like anyone could see. And besides, it was fun.

 Fulling going for it, I started to gyrate my hips to the time of the music while combing my hands through my hair. I'm not sure if it looked sexy or not, but I tried. Giggling to myself at my craziness, I threw myself on to the floor, and with an arched back, slowly crawl to the beat of the music.

 Again, I was very aware of how stupid I looked, but not in my mind. In my mind, I was the sexiest of dancers in the hottest music video in the world. Rising to my feet, I continued to amuse myself with my amazingly inventive dance moves. 

When the song finally ended, I bent over and bowed, like I had been performing in front of a live concert. However, I wasn't expecting a response from my imaginary crowd. But there most definitely was. There was a very loud and enthusiastic clapping sound, coming from directly behind me.

Every muscle in my body went rigid from sheer shock. 

There shouldn't be clapping...

My heartbeat vigorously in my chest, as I slowly turned around to identify the source of the sound. The sight before me, felt like a punch to the gut. 

Ethan was leaned up against my doorframe, with the world's widest grin on his face.

  Oh, for fucks.

He looked beyond amused and clapped shamelessly with the occasional crude whistle. Steam might as well have been coming off my cheeks, from how embarrassed I was. 

I quickly rushed over to the speaker to turn it off, before slowly turning back to face Ethan. He was still smiling at me from ear to ear. 

Dear God, please tell me that was a fucking dream, and he hadn't just witnessed me attempting to sexy dance...

 I swallowed. "How long have you been standing there?" I whispered. 

"The entire song and God was it brilliant," he laughed as his eyes sparkling with amusement. 

Well, shit. I swear if I could make a deal with God to spontaneously combust at that very moment, I would take it in a heartbeat.

Without another word, I walked to my wardrobe, climbed in, and shut the door.

  I was just done. So incredibly done. 

Ethan's cackles of laughter grew louder from outside the door. 

"Oh, come on Chubs, don't be dramatic. It wasn't that embarrassing," he chuckled from the other side of the door. 

He knocked on the door gently. "Can I come in?" He asked softly. I could tell that he was trying to ask nicely, but the amusement in his tone was as clear as day.

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