Chapter 52

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The coach finally pulled up to the school parking. I had spent the last three hours sat next to Ethan, and it had surprisingly gone quite quickly.

 We spent pretty much the entire time bickering away like idiots, and every five minutes, Ethan, would make some weak attempt to get me to admit he was my boyfriend. 

We were both being stubborn. He refused to give in and just ask, and I refused to accept without a proper dating proposal. 

Once we had gotten off the coach and I had my suitcase in hand, I blew a goodbye kiss to Ethan and started to make my way towards Chloe's car.

 "Oh no, you don't, missy," Ethan said as he grabbed my wrist and hauled me back to him. 

"Missy?" I laughed.

 "Whatever," he said as he rolled his eyes. "I'm not sure what that flying kiss crap was, but I want a proper goodbye kiss," Ethan snapped stubbornly.

 He started to lean in, but I quickly turned my head to the side at the last minute, so his lips landed on my cheek instead. 

He groaned in frustration as he pulled away. 

"You know the rules, Ethan. I'm not your girlfriend until you ask and no kissing till then," I smirked. 

If you couldn't tell already, I was immensely enjoying how badly I was frustrating him. 

He threw his arms up in the air. "You already are my girlfriend," he cried in exasperation.

I just let out a heavy sigh. "Goodbye, Ethan," I laughed.

 I turned on my heel and headed over to Chloe's car, where the girls were waiting for me. Once I had gained some distance, I looked back over my shoulder at him and laughed, as I took in his vexed expression.

"What was that about?" Chloe said with a smile as I got into the back seat of the car. Stupid May had beaten me to shotgun. 

"I'm refusing to kiss him until he asks me to be his girlfriend properly," I snorted as Chloe started the car. 

May started cackling with laughter. "That's so mean, I love it," she said as she turned around in her seat and held out her hand for a high-five. I slapped her hand with a chuckle.

 As we drove out of the parking lot, we passed Ethan, who was leaned up against his car. He gave me a forced smile before pulling his hand out his pocket to give me the middle finger. My mouth parted open in shock, and I shook my head at him. 

Someone was clearly a little bitter...

Catching a final glance at him from the back window, I stiffened slightly as I saw April approach him. Upon reaching him, she placed one of her perfectly manicured hands on his chest and threw her head back and laughed. 

He hadn't even said anything, why the fuck was she laughing?

I felt my blood boil with jealousy. It was as clear as day that she was actively trying to pursue Ethan. I knew I didn't have any reason to be jealous since Ethan loved me and not her.

  But still, the sight of them together unnerved me...

"Hey, are you okay Mia, you look a little ill?" Chloe said as she sent me a worried look through the rear-view mirror. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I snapped sharply. 

"I saw you looking at April and Ethan," May said bluntly, seeing straight through me. 

I felt a wave of nausea shoot through me at merely just hearing their names in the same sentence. 

"I'm just being stupid, it's nothing," I said dismissively, desperate to change the subject. 

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