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"I was so worried that you got sick or maybe you even-" I cut him off already knowing where he was going with that statement.

"I'm alright my beloved~! You worry too much~," I poked his cheeks making him blush a bit. Absolutely adorable~

"Why did you pass out anyway? Have you not been eating enough?" He looked concerned about me...I heard the door creak slightly as his mom left the room leaving the two of us alone.

That isn't the only reason...

"It's not a big deal Shuichi! I'm fine!" I exclaimed trying to get out of the bed but he only pushed me back down as I got a headache.

"It is a big deal! You could have gotten hurt..." Shuichi scolded me. I felt a little intimidated by his piercing stare but when his eyes softened I felt a smile come to my face.

"I'm fine~ Shumai~," I sighed pulling him into an embrace. I still feel loopy as hell. I mean if you haven't noticed...

"No...Kokichi, please..." I could see his shoulders start to shake as he dropped his head onto my shoulder. He started to hiccup and I immediately felt guilt wash over me.

"Tell me what happened," He looked at me and his face was flushed. There were tears in the corners of his eyes. I felt terrible because of how sad he is...

"ShuShu, it's ok really...but um..." I couldn't bring myself to just say the words. What if he gets mad at me...I'm already going to have to deal with my mom when I get home, so what's the point of getting another person mad at me.

"I haven't been sleeping...and my eating isn't the best either...it's not your fault if anything you make it easier for me to sleep. I have also been overworking myself at home and this is also the main reason why I passed out today..." I sighed putting my hand over my eyes. I didn't want to see his expression after I just said all of that...

"Kokichi, that's alright." He grabbed my hand making my eyes go wide when I looked right into his eyes.

"I understand how hard it is to go without sleep...my insomnia doesn't let me sleep. You definitely need to get more rest love." He slowly moved my head back into his pillow and started to move back into his chair. I grabbed his arm holding him closer to the bed.

"Kokichi?" He asked moving back over to me. I smiled at him and closed my eyes.

"You should stay with me...here on the bed..." I whispered nuzzling my face into his hand. He giggled at my actions and moved next to me on the bed. He has a full bed which is nice because of the extra room it has. If I had this bed I'm sure I would just stay to one side.

Even when I was younger I have always had a small bed. I always get the worst one every time without fail. But I feel better having just a little space on the bed for myself, don't get me wrong I am absolutely terrified of small spaces...but being able to have my own space on a bed in a spacious room is its own personal heaven.

"I don't know what's going on in your home with your family...but know you are always welcome here. You have seemed stressed ever since I first met you...if there is anything going on I'm here for you. No matter what, sweetheart." Shuichi gently kissed my forehead before resting his head back onto the pillow. I felt a smile form on my face.

It's just like that dream.

"Thank you, Shu," I whispered. I could feel myself nodding off again. And after a few moments of Shuichi's calming words, I was out.

.   .   . 

"Lovely nights by the little light from the sky" There was soft music playing. It was dark and I couldn't see anything but I could feel the grass under my bare feet.

"You and me lighting up colored by our fire" I looked down at my feet and saw that I was standing in a grassy field. The wind was blowing in the distance as the music continued playing. Calmly combing through my hair making me feel more at peace.

"Everyone seems so far away" I could hear the music coming closer to me. I still couldn't see and for a moment I felt afraid of who could be around me.

"But remember I'm here to stay" The moment didn't last long when I felt a hand wrap around my own. Before I could say anything they pulled me close and started slow dance with me. I couldn't see anyone next to me or even see the silhouette of their hand.

"You and me" In a moment they vanished again leaving me alone again with the calming sound of the music. I danced in the dark as I used to when I would sneak out at a time when I was younger. It was so innocent and so calming.

"Meant to be" The slow motions of moving back and forth. Moving my hands around as if to paint the story that is mine. Embracing the wind by bending with it in this dance.

"I love you as you love me" My mind went to Shuichi. He was holding me when I fell asleep...I just hope that this will last. He seems so nice, but who knows what could be underneath...

"And this is all I would ever need" He was soon there dancing with me. And it was the same figure that approached me earlier. He held me as we danced. The wind guiding my movements and the stars as my spotlights.

Please let this dance never end.

.   .   .

"Mgh..." I sighed waking up. For the first time in a long time, I felt well-rested. I looked over at Shuichi who looked as though he saw a ghost...he was holding onto my phone. From where I was sitting I could make out-

Mother: 5 Missed calls 10 Messages

Oh shit...

-So, today I have been feeling more cuddly and I'm not sure why...and that sounds so weird- Anyway, I love dancing and being able to just feel the music...but because of how anxious I am...I never dance as much anymore...thank you all so much for reading!!-


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