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Shuichi's POV
I hate all of this. I hate all of these fake friends...all the liars and the cheats. Kokichi is the only one who understands me...but could that be a lie? Kaede and the others only keep me around because I make them popular...they don't really like me...and they wouldn't like me if they knew...who I really am...

They judge everyone and they hurt others...especially my Kichi...my love...I don't want him to get hurt by them because they only hate others if they aren't in sync with what they want to do...if they are seen as different...anything they don't agree with they resent and hurt.

It hurts me to see Kokichi get so hurt because of them...and it infuriates me when they call him by that name...I know how much it hurts to be called by something you are not...

His drawings are beautiful. I'm so glad I kissed him! I just hope he doesn't get weirded out when he knows the truth about me. I trust him and everything...I'm just worried they might also find out if I tell anyone...I don't want them to hate me because they always make all the people you are friends with suffer as well and that's the last thing I would want to happen to Kokichi.

I couldn't really focus on class. So many thoughts were filling my head and my mind is still spinning because of the way I kissed Kokichi earlier. He kissed me back and he said he felt the same! I'm so lucky! He is so perfect and I'm too weak to get away from the people who have been using me and hurting me. I'm too weak to tell people what I want from them...too weak to stand up for myself.

I sighed and put my head into my arms. I felt a small blush come to my cheeks. I really love Kokichi. He is just so perfect! He is so cute and funny and I can stop thinking about all the cute things he has said to me. He is my never-ending thought. "Shuichi!" Kaede slammed her hand on the table making me flinch. "You need to come with us! Class is over already!" She yelled grabbing my wrist tightly making me flinch at her nails digging into my skin.

"What do you need...?" I asked hesitantly not wanting to make her even madder at me...this must be because of lunch... "You were with that fag earlier weren't you?!" She yelled obviously infuriated. "You mean Kokichi?" I asked trying to stay quiet...I don't want her to hurt me again...

"Yeah! The damn bitch!!" She yelled and grabbed the collar of my shirt making me choke. "Well?!" She screamed her face all red and her breath turned into huffs. "Y-yes! I was! But you can't control my relationships!!" I yelled back pulling out of her grasp. I dropped to the floor and put a hand to my neck to try and soothe the pain radiating through the side of it.

"No! You don't! You are mine and you can't hang around him anymore!!" She brought her hand above her head and went to hit me. I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands. Until someone grabbed her hand. "What the hell-"

"You can't hurt him anymore, so just go and leave!" Another older student with white hair with another student with brown hair now stood in between him and Kaede. "But you can't-" They cut her off again by slapping her cheek. "You can't treat people like your toys anymore." Kaede huffed and left the room slamming the door as she disappeared into the hallway.

"Are you alright?" The taller white male asked offering me his hand. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, thank you," I whispered taking his hand with a small smile. "You are Kokichi's friend right?" The brunette male asked. "Yeah I am, I'm Shuichi Saihara," He shook my hand and smiled. "We are Kokichi's friends. This is Nagito Komaeda and I'm Hajime Hinata, nice to meet you,"

This must be the people I saw him within the hallway before. I smiled at them. "Nice to meet you guys," Nagito looked at me with a frown. "Why did she try to hit you?" He asked making me flinch at his words. "Well, she was my friend and she didn't want me to be around Kokichi...and I was with him at lunch today..." I whispered to myself feeling nervous they were going to judge me for not standing up for myself and being able to get out of this situation without outside help...

"That's not how friends should treat their friends! You can be friends with us now!" Hajime exclaimed putting an arm around my shoulder. "I would like that!" I smiled and we all walked out into the hallway. I never thought anyone was going to come for me. But these guys came for me...maybe this is what real friends are like.

"Hajime, Nagito, Shuichi?" Kokichi gasped walking over to us as we exited the classroom. "What happened?" Kokichi asked cupping my cheek in his hand. My face immediately flushed under his soft touch. I felt myself melt into the touch. "Kaede got mad at me again..." Nagito put an arm around my shoulder and smiled at Kokichi. "But me and Hajime went in and helped him confront her!" Hajime laughed at his words. "Yeah! He is our friend now! He doesn't need to be tossed around by those assholes anymore!" Hajime exclaimed making us all laugh.

"I'm glad," Kokichi grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. "I love you...remember that if you need anything I'm willing to help you ok?" He looked up at me as Hajime and Nagito left after giving me a thumbs up. "A-alright," I felt nervous under his gentle gaze...I felt like I didn't deserve this sweet treatment from him. "I promise I'm here for you," He kisses me on the lips making me flush again. I cupped both of his cheeks and kissed him back.

-Sorry for the late update...I have been having a rough day today...I was honest with my friend and it isn't going the best...anyway. Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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