hall mirror.

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since i was little there has always been a mirror right by the door of my house. it's always suspended in the air above the hall table.

i don't even know what colour the frame is. i know it's a thick one. although i've never actually looked in the mirror. not for more than 5 seconds.

i don't know what exactly it is i'm scared of seeing. maybe it's how the hall is always completely dark and the mirror is just as dark. maybe it's dumb.

stupid for a 13 year old to be afraid of mirrors but i know why. i'm too scared to see someone. someone that's not me. someone i don't know. someone i don't want to.

it always gives me chills thinking about it. i always rush past it as fast as possible when i see it going upstairs to bed.

i always run upstairs. like the vibes from the mirror are just generally scary and evil. i feel or know something is in it. something i don't want to see.

i wonder how long it will be for it to take me like it took my nan.

now she's not gone really.
or as far as i know.
one day last year or so.
it was near halloween.
she was working a morning shift.
had to be in work for 6am.
she screamed as she looked in the
hall mirror.
she said she saw a white face with red eyes. which is logical it was halloween.
there was stickers on the mirror.
the thing that scared me was the sticker had no eyes. it was green with no eyes.

ever since she has been weird.
she acts drunk at night.
shouting at everyone for nothing.
making rude remarks.
walking around half dressed.
she has lost her memory a bit.
went completely insane sometimes.
last night she stripped 2 pillows out of the 6 in the living room. refused to put the litter liner in the cats litter box. she's actually acting weird and scary.
i dislike it. it scares me.

maybe it's not my nan i'm scared of.
it's what did that to her.
the thing in the hall mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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