Part 1: Gone?

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Troy: So, does anyone know how many people are missing?

Ben: Well, much like our government, almost every global government is in shambles. President Stern and Prime Minister Trudeau are both gone.

Annie: Anyone else we know, besides the group?

Erica: My mom and my grandpa are both gone. I'm the only spy left in my family.

Warren: But what about your...

Erica: He's not a spy. He's a sham.

Zoe: You've never been this-

Erica: Just, leave me alone guys!

Jo: Something's wrong with her. 

Blight: I mean, she does have a good reason to be down. Her mom, grandfather, and her boyfriend are all gone.

Peeta: At least she's not an orphan. I am, and so are my brothers, and Vick and Posy (Gale's siblings) are. Katniss's whole family is gone. Gale's other brother, Rory, is gone. We all lost. Jemma Stern lost the rest of her family.

Amy: Guys, turn on the news. NOW.

Newscaster: Hello, half the world. Today, we have received shocking news. The reason that half the planet has disappeared is Thanos.

Cato: OH. MY. GOD.

Newscaster: The Avengers tried defeating him, but to no avail.

Troy: NO. WAY.

Newscaster: That's all for now. We'll be back right after this commercial break.

Ava: Seriously? This guy must be really good if the Avengers lost to him.

22 Days later

Zoe's POV

Erica is miserable. She will not come out of her room. It's been really hard on her since her whole family (except her dad, he doesn't really count) is gone, and so is her boyfriend, along with half of her friends. She's really taking this to heart. Oh, wait, the news is coming on! Maybe they'll have an update!

Newscaster: This just in. The Avengers have killed Thanos. However, he destroyed the stones before the Avengers got there, meaning there is no way for us to get the rest of the world back.

Zoe: Oh god. This is worse. Everyone, we need to make sure Erica doesn't watch the-

Erica: I don't watch what? Oh, you mean the news report on EVERY channel that basically got rid of all hope? I saw it. And now, I am leaving the CIA forever. Goodbye!

Everyone else: ERICA!

Izzy: It's too late. She's already gone. We just lost our best asset.

5 years later (cuz I'm lazy and kind of based on Endgame, so they found out Thanos died and now we're gonna see what they're all doing now)

Ben's POV

These 5 years have been awful. Like, really awful. Me and Zoe kind of lost touch with the rest of the group. We do still see some of them on TV sometimes, though, since Peeta, Cato, Jo, Blight, Annie, and Foxface all moved to LA and became actors in the new Hunger Games movie. It's still sad though since our two biggest HG fans (Josh and Madison) are gone, and so are half the people supposed to be in it. Troy, Izzy, and their twins, Joshua Eric and Alan Michael live in Chicago. Victor and Ava are the government representatives on the research team that is trying to figure out a way to bring everyone back, since they are the two Senators from Virginia. Amy and Warren both moved to Toronto. Apparently that's where former SPYDER agent Ashley Sparks moved to also. Speaking of SPYDER, they are in shambles. Mr. E, Murray, and Dane Brammage all disappeared. Joshua is still alive, though. Claire Schacter (neé Hutchins) was one of the many people in the spy business who disappeared in the middle of a gunfight. Among the others was Hank Schacter. No one has seen or heard from Erica since she stormed out that day. We are all scared for her. I have to go to this support group for my next mission. It's gonna be weird going on a mission without E, Zo, Mike, Chip, Jawa, Cyrus, Catherine, even Hank and Alexander. But I have to go undercover at this support group and figure out who this undercover terrorist who's been attacking major terrorist groups and blowing up their bases. I also need to figure out why they're doing it. But I have some version of an idea. Anyways, here we go!

Steve Rogers: Well, let's start with our new person today, Jackson Rotko (that's Ben's alias). Go ahead and introduce yourself and tell us who you lost.

Jackson/Ben: Well, I'm Jackson, and I lost a bunch of my group of friends and my best friend. Me and my girlfriend Emma (Zoe's alias, she may be of help later) tried helping out our other close friend, who lost her mom, her grandpa, and her boyfriend, who was also my best friend, but we lost touch a while ago, and now I'm trying to find her.

Steve: Well, I'll help you try and find her. What does she look like?

Jackson/Ben: Like this:

Steve: So, like our other new member, Jessica?

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Steve: So, like our other new member, Jessica?

Ben/Jackson: Wait what?

Cliffy Cliffy! I'm the worst! Or the best. It really depends on how you look at it. I hope you guys liked this chapter! Here is a list of those confirmed dead in this chapter:

President David Stern; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; Agent Catherine Hale; Cyrus Hale, Agent Emeritus; Mrs. Mellark; Mr. Mellark; Hazelle Hawthorne; Mrs. Everdeen; Primrose Everdeen; Rory Hawthorne; Jason Stern; Mrs. Stern; Thanos; Mr. E; Dane Brammage; Murray Hill; Agent Claire Schacter (neé Hutchins); Agent Hank Schacter.

I am going to edit the last chapter with the full names of everyone. 

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