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Coldwater poured out of Anne's shower as she stood there half asleep.

"Holy!" She exclaimed as she quickly turned it off. She checked the time on her phone. 5:35 am. Rubbing the sleep away from her eyes, she took the quickest shower known to man. She had to be on set by 6:15 and she's already late because her alarm never went off.

Petting her dog and grabbing a banana, she was out the door.

Parked out front was her costar, Lindsey Parkinson. She looked energized and awake, the complete opposite of Anne. Lindsey probably didn't stay up till 2:30 watching Shameless, then spent another hour playing Subway Surfers on her phone.

"Morning, love. Caramel iced coffee with cream and a little sugar." She handed her the beverage and Anne almost yelled in excitement. "And a blueberry muffin, warm."

"Linds, I swear I'm going to marry you," Anne said taking a big bite of her muffin. "Diana is supposed to go food shopping tonight so hopefully no more bananas for breakfast."

Frank Ocean played from her radio as the two made their way to work. Anne and Lindsey are working on a TV show right now, "Cabin 303", a horror show. It was Anne's first big break. She worked so hard to get here and it all paid off.

They pulled up to set and Lindsey parked in her designated spot. The girls walked in sipping their beverages and talking about what they would be shooting today.

"There you are. I've been waiting for like ten minutes." Quinten stood there impatiently.

Anne stepped forward. "It's my fault, Q."

"I know." Everyone started to laugh. "We have to get into makeup ASAP. We shoot the pilot today!"

Anne's stomach began to fill with dread and nervousness. Unlike her fellow costars, this was her first serious gig. What if she blew it? What if she became a one-hit-wonder? An actress whose name is 'on the tip of your tongue'?

"You good, girl?" Quinten asked.

She responded with a simple nod and a fake smile. She was terrified.

They finished half of the pilot and had to finish the other half tomorrow. It went pretty okay. Tomorrow they move to the outside set that's in a local park and campground. The director was very happy with Anne's performance so far and that's all she needed to hear.

Anne walked out talking to Quinten. "I didn't want to say this in front of Linds but did you hear about Gilbert Blythe? He had a major freak out last night, he was doing so well too. He and Vanessa Burner are done again too, no surprise there."

"He seems like such an asshole. I was talking to Prissy, who does makeup, and she said when she worked on the set of that spy movie he was in, it was the worse job she ever had. He had a bad attitude and everything revolved around him. I mean he is a good actor but he's a bad person. Remember when he got that speeding ticket last year? His fake apology? For a great actor, that was so bad. I think he's the last guy I'd work with." The two laughed.

"Need a ride?" Quinten asked, walking towards his car.

Anne looked around the parking lot. "Diana is supposed to be here, she's probably just late. Thanks though, Q! See you tomorrow!" She sat at the curb and scrolled through Instagram, waiting for her roommate. After ten minutes, Diana frantically beeped her horn. Anne was angry and she knew it.

"Sorry," Diana said as Anne got in. "I got caught up at work and forgot my keys in my Psych class. It's just not my day. But enough about me, how was your first day?"

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