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Anne took one final look at herself in the mirror. Her dark green dress complimented her fair skin and red hair perfectly.

"You look amazing," Diana said with a cup of tea in her hand.

She ran her hands down her dress to smooth it out. "Is it too much?" Diana shook her head and gave her best friend a huge hug. "Are you sure you're gonna be fine tonight?"

"Of course! Ruby is coming over to help me paint my room." A beep came from outside and Diana turned towards Anne. "Your carriage awaits."

Anne quickly grabbed her purse and ran towards the door. She made her way downstairs but was stopped by someone calling her name.

"Anne!" Ashton called, causing her to turn around. "W-Wow, you look g-great!"

She blushed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ears. "Thanks, Ash."

"Of course," He just stood their admiring her. "Oh, here, my band is playing at this club. I'd love for you to come!"

Anne examined the flyer in her hand. It was neon orange with the band's name in bold, black letters. CITRUS TWIST. "I'll be there, got to go." She got into the big black SUV and buckled her seatbelt. "Sorry, forgot my phone." She lied to the clearly mad Lauren.

"You look good, are you ready for tonight?" Anne nodded and sighed, remembering the real reason why she was going to this party. Her living hell starts tonight. "Okay, you walk in with Lindsey. Talk, dance, drink. Then at 10:45, you 'bump' into Gilbert and talk for the whole night. Near cameras. Got it?" She nodded again. Lauren then answered a call, someone named Cory. "Perfect, see you tonight."

"Ooo, does Lauren have a date?" Anne teased, causing Lauren to roll her eyes.

"Gilbert's manager, what are you two?" She laughed.

The car pulled up in front of the club and the flashes from cameras were already blinding her. She got out and saw Lindsey. She wore a yellow bodycon with her hair in a bun. "Look at you!" She exclaimed, giving her a hug. "Let's go!" They posed for a few photos and went in. The lobby was filled with many people. "There's Josie!" She ran up to the blonde and hugged her. "This is Anne."

"Hi, happy birthday!" She said shyly.

"Thank you, Anne!" Josie hugged her. "This is Tillie." She waved to the girl next to Josie. "Go have fun, ladies! Drink, dance!" They went in and immediately lost hearing do to the blaring music.

Lindsey took Anne's hand and pulled her through the crowd. They met up with some of Lindsey's other friends and Quinten. She knew the others from past movies or modelling gigs. Jane was sweet and outgoing, Ella was a little shy, and Cole was hilarious. A Britney Spears song came on and they all ran to the dance floor, screaming and dancing. Cole grabbed Anne's hands and the two started jumping up and down, singing "Toxic". As she was jumping, someone caught her eye. Gilbert. He sat at the bar, drinking something, talking to another guy.

"I have to pee!" Anne yelled over the music and walked in Gilbert's direction. She checked her phone, 10:40. She took a seat next to Gilbert's friend. "One Shirley Temple, please." She asked kindly. She began to scroll through her phone to make herself look busy. The server came back with her drink. "Thank you."

The guy next to Gilbert got up and walked straight into the crowd. He turned towards Anne and smiled. You couldn't tell that this is the guy who smashed a paparazzi's camera the other week by that smile. Anne could feel her nerves eating away at her stomach. How was she supposed to do this?

"Gilbert." He held his hand out and she shook it. "You're Anne, right?"

She nodded. "Yep," Gilbert then moved one seat over to be closer to her. "I must say, I'd never think I'd be sitting at a bar with Gilbert Blythe."

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