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Anne's life had changed insanely in a matter of five days.

Ever since she was seen with Gilbert, everyone knew her name. She even got paparazzi following her as she walked Baby. Anne hated to admit this but, Lauren was right. Her show was highly anticipated by everyone, she's even ha multiple directors reach out to her and Lauren.

Ruby and Diana sat on the couch as Anne fed Baby.

"So Anne," Ruby began. "What can you tell me about Gilbert Blythe?"

Just the thought of him made her mouth sour. She put on her best fake smile and joined them on the couch. "He is one of the nicest people in Hollywood. He's such a great friend.'

"Oh, so you two are just friends?" Ruby questioned, making Anne nod. "Gilbert has been my celebrity crush for years. I'm honestly glad him and Nessa are done."

Until that moment, she forgot Gilbert used to date Vanessa Burner. That's the main reason that Anne was now in the picture, to make the press forget about the horrible relationship those two had and the way it ended. Just then her phone buzzed and she looked at the message.

Gilbert: yo, cory and lauren told me we have a meeting. pick u up in 10.

She mentally rolled her eyes at the message but got up and made her way towards her room.

"What are you doing?" Diana asked.

Anne froze. "Uh, Gilbert is picking me up. He wants to hang out so I'm going to get changed." Both girls looked at each other and squealed. "Guys, we are just friends, I swear." She sort of lied through her teeth as she stepped into her room. She grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a simple black t-shirt. She finished by putting a belt on and throwing her hair up in a bun. By the time she was done, Gilbert was already waiting outside. She slipped on her black Converse and walked out of the building to his car. She got in and buckled up, not saying a word. Things had been tense since their last time out together.

"What's up?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the road. Anne just shrugged and stared out the window. Gilbert just rolled his eyes and didn't bother talking to her for the rest of the ride.

They all met up at Lauren's office. It was trendy and cute, decorated with plants and marble decoration. Plus, her couch is super comfy. Anne and Gilbert sat on the couch far away from each other while Cory sat on his phone. Anne looked at the handsome man who seemed a little too young to be a manager, as did Lauren. Cory was nice, very quiet. She didn;t know how he was Gilbert's manager.

"Hey guys, coffee orders." Lauren sat a variety of drinks down on the table. Iced coffee for Anne, green tea for Gilbert, black coffee for Cory, and a latte for Lauren. She took a seat next to Cory and sipped her drink. "So, today we are here to talk about upcoming events for the two of you." She flattened out her black skirt as she talked.

Cory placed his drink down and looked at the two actors. "Me and Lauren made a schedule for the both of you." He pulled out two pieces of paper from his bag. He wasn't as neat and cleanly as Lauren but Anne could deal with it. The two looked over the schedule, it made her stomach hurt to look at the next year of her life being planned on one sheet of paper. She saw her TV show release, his movie release, award shows, talk shows, and even scheduled hang outs.

"These are very important, so do not lose them." Lauren said. "Now the media is right where we want them, plastering your names out there with each other. Keep it up, post about each other more or just tagging them in your story. We want them to feed into this."

After another hour of business talk, they were free to go. Anne planned on taking an Uber but surprisingly Gilbert offered her a ride. He played some Tyler, The Creator as he drove. "Mind grabbing my sunglasses?" He asked Anne, pointing to his glove compartment. She grabbed the expensive looking glasses and handed them to him. Gilbert lightly sang along to 'See You Again' when Anne got the idea to film him. He didn't notice but she knew Lauren would want it. "Can I get a kiss?" He sang along in a high pitched voice, making Anne laugh. "And can you make it last forever?" He then noticed she was filming and flipped the camera off. "Smart move, Shirley."

"Thank you." She smirked back. A guy then cut Gilbert off, casuing his road rage to come out. He was beeping and speeding up to the guy, cursing him out. "Holy shit, calm down! You're gonna kill us!" She yelled,

"You aren't the one driving, are you? Let me be!" For a second there, she thought they could be civil. He pulled up next to the guy. "Hey asshole, learn how to fucking drive!" He said while beeping.

Anne uncomfortably sat in the passenger side. "You are pyschotic, you know that? Work on your anger issues. Seriously, I've never met someone as disrespectful and rude as you!"

"And you're nosey, mind you're own business once in awhile. Not everything has to involve you!" He shot back. His hands tightly gripped the steering wheel, making his hands veiny. Thankfully, they pulled up to Anne's house quicker than expected. She just shot him a dirty look and got out of his car, slamming the door shut. He rolled his window down. "Classy!"

She looked back at him and flipped him off. "Go screw yourself." She whispered-yelled, having to be careful of who's around. When she got into her home, her dog came running up to her. "You don't know how much I needed to see you." She picked up the puppy and held her while the dog licked her face.

"How was hanging out with Gilbert?" Diana asked as she read a book on the couch.

Bad. Horrible. Excruciating. Stressful. Awful. "Great, we just got coffee. He's the best." Anne said, walking into her room. She shut her door and looked at Baby. "I hate him more than anything. But that stays between us."

just a filer<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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