Rave at Hogwarts

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The party was to celebrate Umbridge's dismissal and a way to wind down from having to be on high alert all year. Even though Voldemort was back, Umbridge was gone and that meant everyone was in high spirits. All students and staff were invited and a few parents or guardians showed up to watch over the dancers. 

There was a mixture of muggle and wizard music playing in the Great Hall which everyone was dancing to; yes, even the uptight Slytherins! Currently, Macarena was playing and the Muggleborns were teaching the Purebloods the moves. All the houses were mingling together and having an amazing time. 

Gryffindors were dancing with Slytherins without fighting (there may have been some competitions going on but that's normal), Ravenclaws were dancing without thinking about their studies (please don't kill me for this stereotype) and the Hufflepuffs were showing their freaky sides. 

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were dancing with their Cub, Harry, when more guests walked into the party. They looked very uncomfortable and were dressed to the nines, glancing around the room in wonder and disgust. Their eyes swept over the sea of moving bodies, obviously looking for someone. The two ladies in the troupe smiled faintly as they spotted who they were looking for, hair reflecting the coloured lights that dashed across the room. The man next to them looked horrified as his son walked up to his family sweaty, smiling and out of breath. 

"My goodness Draco, you're a Pureblood! Not a ragamuffin - clean up at once!" The man snapped at him as his own hair shone brightly in the lights. A deep laugh from behind him made him scowl over his shoulder. Sirius walked over, chuckling at Lucius' enraged expression. "Oh Lucy, let the boy have a break! Here, Harry," the Animagus looked at his Cub, "Go take Malfoy Junior and get a drink." Harry smiled brightly at his Godfather before it faded slightly at the sight of Draco. He grabbed the blonds hand and dragged him away, snickering at the boys attempts to break free and demands to 'unhand him'. 

Sirius grinned at the boys retreating backs before turning back to his relatives and his boyfriend. "Narcissa, long time no see! And.... Andromeda? Longer time no see!!" Remus snorted at his boyfriends wording before cuffing him round the back of his head. "Ow!!" Sirius complained, pouting at the werewolf. Lucius rolled his eyes. "Mutt, stop whining." Andromeda gasped, "Lucius! Don't call my cousin mutt!" Narcissa smirked at her husband. As the party went on, the group fell into a bubble of memories, laughter and happiness.

Meanwhile, the two rivals had arrived at the drink section on the buffet table and were just standing there awkwardly holding drinks. Should they go back to the adults or go to friends or stick together and dance? Thankfully, the decision was made for them.

"Harry!" Ron's voice cut through the noise and he popped up next to his best mate. Hermione soon followed after, scolding Harry for not telling her where he went. The raven haired smiled at his friends, laughing at their jokes. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Draco edging away. "Malfoy! Come dance with us." Harry held his hand out towards him and Draco eyed it warily. "I don't bite," Harry said, smiling at him softly. They locked eyes for a moment before they blushed and looked away. It was strange to see the other so unguarded, to see their emotions not clouded by anger. 

Hermione and Ron looked at each other knowingly, grinning as Draco took Harry's hand hesitantly. (oh my gosh, guys I managed to get some alliteration in here - my english teachers would be so proud of me lol) All of a sudden, a new song came on - I'm Blue by Eiffel 65. Hermione and Harry gasped before starting to dance whilst the Purebloods looked on fondly. Hermione grabbed Ron's hands and started to swing them back and forth, forcefully moving her boyfriends body to the beat. They danced away and the crowd swallowed them up, leaving Harry and Draco together. 

"Well, guess they're gone." Harry said, smiling shyly at Draco. Draco laughed, filling Harry with delight and he held his other hand. "Sooooooooo, are you gonna teach me how to dance Potter?" Draco smirked as Harry's face flushed red. "Want me to teach you ballet Malfoy?" Silence fell between the boys for a second before they both howled with laughter. Gasping for breath, Harry dragged Draco away to a corner in the room and began to teach him how to dance.

Hermione giggled and tapped Ron on the shoulder, pointing to two boys dancing in the corner of the party. "Look Ron! Harry is teaching Draco to dance!" Ron smiled at them before kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. "Wanna go dance with them or should we leave them?". "Nah, let's leave them be." Hermione tugged the redhead to the buffet to grab a drink. 

Narcissa gazed around the room looking for her son and the Potter boy. She swore if Potter had done something - "LUCIUS LOOK!" She screamed at her husband. The stern man whipped around and looked to where his wife was pointing. Draco and Harry, smiling, dancing and laughing in a corner of the room, having the time of their lives. He scowled. 

"Hey Re, did you know Harry was gay?" Sirius asked his boyfriend in wonder. "Siri, have you met these two?! They're always talking about the other, fighting each other and wondering about each other - I'm surprised you didn't realise it sooner! It was obvious they have a thing for each other." Remus exclaimed in exasperation. "I mean, in Harry's third year, I came across them fighting. It was an interesting position. Draco had pinned Harry to the wall and was holding his hands above his head with a knee between his legs. They were both blushing slightly." Sirius and Lucius looked dumbfounded. "Huh."

Andromeda sidled up to Remus' side. "Do you think they will kiss?" She asked him excitedly. "Undoubtedly! I would be very surprised if they didn't kiss at the end of this song." Remus replied, feet tapping to the beat. The women giggled and stared at the boys who were dancing closer and closer until they had their arms around the other. 

Everyone was in suspense, waiting for the boys to close the gap. Harry put his head on Draco's shoulder and looked up at the blond boy who glowed in the lights. Draco smiled softly at him and started leaning down whilst tilting Harry's head up with a shaking hand. Remus, Narcissa and Andromeda started squealing before Sirius and Lucius hushed them - "Shh, they'll notice!" The adults all held their breath as the boys slowly kissed each other, too wrapped up in their own world to notice anyone else. Narcissa started crying from happiness as she observed her son kiss a boy he so obviously loved with such tenderness and care. 

And that, was definitely a way to celebrate the end of a terrible year at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 





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