Chapter 4: Fred

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A/N: So far I'm thinking of having Samantha dating Toad but have completely decided yet. But will be some scenes of Samantha and Toad bonding. But was also leaning towards Scott.

Based on 'Mutant Crush'

Third person's POV

"Not today dear got to go check out a recruit,  " Mystique said.

Mystique denied Samantha as she walked towards the front door, heading downstairs. The girl looked displeased as she tapped her foot on the ground, sighing loudly when it seemed like Mystique really was about to leave.

"Oh come on mom. Can't we hang out for a little bit or do a little bit of sparring in the backyard, " Samantha complained.

Mystique sighed hoping her daughter would stop complaining.

"Sorry dear, but I can't do that for you. I've got a potential mutant to go see. Magneto really wants to recruit him. Though if you're so bored why don't you spend some time with your sister? You can finally tell her your siblings since she probably doesn't remember I adopted her since I haven't seen her for 6 years now, "

As she said that, there now standing next to the front door.

"Oh... Right, okay then. Well if he that important to meet him. Then I won't complain. I just go spend some time with Rogue,  "

"Good but when I get back. We can watch your favorite movie or do training to improve your skills."

Samatha nodded happily to hear her mom would spend time with her when she gets back.

"That sounds great mom!"

Samantha's personality was confusing to most, but to Mystique, she could understand her very easily.

"See you later, "  Mystique said walking outside the house.

Samantha sighed and walked into the living and sat down on the couch.

"Hey, Sam, "

Rogue walked into the living room and sat down next to Samatha.

"What are you doing?"

Samantha thought about what her mom said and decided to spend time with Rogue.

"You want to go up to my room and talk for a bit. You  wanted to know what I meant by where closer then you think,"

"Yeah, you never did answer that question. Hanging with you does sound fun,"

Samantha nodded.

"Alright let's go up to my room than before Toad and Lance decide to make an appearance," Samantha said walking upstairs.

"Coming!" Rogue said following Samantha upstairs yo her room.


"Let's hear a big cheer for the lady of Monster trucks, Charlie Ray, " The announcer shouted over the mic and then left. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the main attraction of the evening let's give it up for the world's strongest teenager Fred. " The Blob" Dukes! All right, Fred, let's show them what you go." The announcer said as Fred pulled two monster trucks with him on and going in opposite directions back toward himself as Mystique watch from the crowd. As Fred pulled two monster trucks into each other he launched himself into the air and landed back on the trucks as the crowd cheered loudly. Fred went to take a bow but ended up falling face-first in the mud which turned the cheering crowd into a laughing crowd fast making Fred very angry. As Fred got up Mystique seemed very happy but a few isles back sat Logan and Jean.

Shifter: Book 1| An X-Men Evolution Fanfiction (Possibly A Rewrite Coming)Where stories live. Discover now