Chapter 6: Samatha's Savoir

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An original story

It was 6 am on a Saturday when Samatha woke up, though it was because she usually wakes up two hours later on the weekends. Especially since she was still a little bit sick with a cold.

"Maybe I make breakfast for mom and the rest of the team." Samatha said in her head as she got out of bed and made breakfast for the entire team, including her dear mother who she also left a note for. As most of the team went into the living room they saw Samatha wrapped in a blanket and sleeping on the couch as the tv was playing a pokemon cartoon the very first season.

"What is she doing out here? It's 6: 30! I better let her sleep. She needs her rest." Mystique thoughtfully said as she went into the kitchen where the food sitting out. "Did Samantha do this?"  As she tried to pick up a note that was left on her side of the table before she heard sneezing in the other room.

"Bless you," Mystique said as she brought a box of tissues to Samatha who was sitting up on the couch and pinching her nose shut trying to stop her sneezing.

Mystique shook her head and laugh at her daughter foolishly trying to stop her sneezing. 

"Thank you, and why are you laughing?" Samantha said taking the box of tissues.

"Your welcome and laughing because you're trying to hold back your sneezing for no reason," Mystique said smiling at Samatha.

"I-I ju-I just d-do-don... Ah-Ah-choo!" Samatha let out a violent sneeze in her mom's face. Mystique grabbed a tissue and wiped her face.

"Sorry," Samantha said feeling bad about sneezing in her mom's face.

"It okay accidents happen," Mystique said.

"Yeah well I'm going back to sleep," Samatha muttered laying back down.

"What that mama?" Rogue said as she walked downstairs and saw the piece of paper Mystique was holding.

"Oh, I just saw it on my side of the table until your sister started sneezing." Mystique explained. "I'll be in the kitchen to eat soon." She continued as Rogue nodded and left to eat, Mystique then opened the note.

Dear mom,

"I have been back at my life recently about how much you been there for me. Like when I was called a monster at school. when I came out of the bathroom one day and my skin turned blue and had red hair and yellow eyes. You went out of you came back early from your mission and made those kids stop picking on me by telling them it was just their imagination and found a way to have me look normal until I could shapeshift. You told me I was a mutant like you and no matter what I will always be beautiful.  What I'm trying to say is that I want to thank you for everything you've done to support and love me when every I felt like no one else did. Also for taking care of me while I been sick. And you will always be the world's greatest mom in my book till the end of time."

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