Chapter 11 : Survival Fitness

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Third person's POV

We are now at a maximum-security prison as the gates open and went through other security checkpoints. Is an officer inspecting their most dangerous prisoner: the Juggernaut, the officer pushed a button to drain the water surrounding the Juggernaut, intending to set him free.

"Wake up Cain. It's time you had your long overdue family reunion with your brother: Charles Xavier." Mystique said as she revealed her true identity and Juggernaut wakes up at the mention of his brother's name.


"You will not be making wallets, necktie rack, or paperweights. You will not be engaging in potato sack races, water balloon tosses, or pony rides. You'll be taking 20- miles hikes, rappelling 200-foot cliffs and crossing treacherous water with no more than a rope and all the courage you can muster. Do you read me?" The drill instructor said.

"Yes, Sargent Hawke, sir!" Everyone at the camp shouted.

"I said, do you read me?" Sargent Hawke, sir!" Everyone at the camp once again shouted.

"Welcome to Iron Back survival camp, a name you won't soon forget." Sergent Hawke walked in front of Scott. "Now, here we have a young man, Scott Sumner."

"Summers," Scott corrected.

Sgt. Hawke continued. "Whose scholastic achievements at Bayville High have earned him the rank as the group leader. You will be following his lead. You've got ten minutes to stow your gear and report to the training field dismissed."

The none mutants teens picked up their bags and obeyed. While the mutants stayed still in dismayed silence. Samantha was listening to the x-men complain while thinking about how this camp sounds so boring. She laughed when Lucy asking if anyone knew how to hotwire a bus.

"I could hotwire the bus but even as boring this place seems. I give it a try since my mother wanted us to come here, " Samantha thought before she turned back to her team.

Blob scowled and folded his arm. "Group leader, scholastic achievement. That should have been me!"

"You can't even spell scholastic achievement, Blob," Samantha retorted.

"But I can spell doomed, which is what that goody-goody gang is after I get them alone in the wood," he said.

"Yeah, I can hear it now," Toad said as he put his hand up to his mouth to mimic a microphone.
"Search and rescue efforts abandoned for missing teens." He put his hand up to his head. "No traces found."

"You guys are very weird sometimes." Kevin started looking at his teams. "Well expect for Rouge and Samantha there more normal than you guys." He finished looking at Rogue then at Samantha. He stared at her beautiful eyes for a while until Lance spoke up.

"Hey, easy guys, " Lance said. "We'll beat them where it hurts most: in public, in front of everyone. Let's go."

"The group followed Lance.

Back with Mystique...

"Cellular paralysis biofluid. Amazing actually stopped the unstoppable... It'll take a few moments before you can move." Mystique said as she released Cain from his shackles. "Then I'll sneak you out f his horrible prison where-- Now, who was it that locked you away? Oh, that's right, your brother: Charles Xavier." Cain growled at the mention of his brother's name. "Sore subject?"

"Who... are you" Cain finally spoke.

"A deal maker... I arrange you're early release, and you will deliver me one item in your brother's possession... his mutant detection system known as Cerebro." Mystique explained as she gave Cain his helmet.

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