Chapter 9 : The Play

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Samantha's POV

"Excuse me, you want me to do what exactly? I don't think I heard right. You want me to.. What again?"

I looked incredulously towards the teacher that was standing in front of me.

Due to it still, just being the beginning of the school day. I wasn't really in the mood to deal with this teacher calling me out and asking me to do something that I really don't want to do.

Please tell me that I just heard him wrong."

"Yes, I think you should an extracurricular, or more rather, a play. A chance to star in the theatre." The teacher said.

"I don't really need to do it honestly. I've rather watch baby shows then do a play. Besides extracurricular are boring why do you think I left that Other club I was in?" I said annoyed.

"Yes, I realize that but I talk to your mother and she agreed that this would be for the best, so it seems like you really don't..."

"Oh, I thought we had the freedom of speech? I guess not. So I don't have a choice, is that what you're saying to me right now?"

The teacher looked at me sheepishly.

The teacher could tell that I was very angry and wasn't in the mood to did with this nonsense.

"Y-yes, that's exactly what I am saying."

"I don't see you forcing anyone else to do this."

"Even then it seems like you have to because your mother thinks it a good idea. To get you more involved at the school. It's like, besides showing up for class, you don't exist here, and we the teachers, and the school, wish to include all students."

"Well, why if I like not being included? I'm perfectly happy with being me, myself, and I, hanging around myself, and not involving myself in school. I'd rather just spend my time alone..."

"Spending time alone better than feeling the pain of people possibly bullying you."

"You either turn down ever club who tries to get you to join. Are you join then quit a few days later maybe a week later. Even your fellow friends all have a club or activity they belong too. Why don't you want to participate as well? You'd be able to make more friends and be with them."

"I don't friends and the friends you're talking about are hardly my besties. Yeah, we talk but hardly only really talk to a few of them the most. Please don't make me do this, because I will fight against even if it with the one person who important to me then anything!"

"While you're fighting, I will begin holding auditions for the play Dracula,"

"Dracula as in vampires?" I asked kind of interested in the sound of the play.

"Yeah are you interested now?" The teacher asked.

"I love vampires but I still don't want to do this play! This has to be illegal, it doesn't seem like something you can force me to do!"

"But it is. At least, this has been granted by the school, and your mother as well who is the principal,"

"Without my consent!" I growled.

This was becoming a living nightmare.

"I'm sorry that you weren't informed beforehand. But take this opportunity to do it your own way, and show the school a new side of yourself, Samantha. Trust me, you'll be able to put a unique spin on it, I am sure.

I felt like was trapped in some kind of nightmare. That I wanted to wake up from and go back to the real world.

"Mom!" I shouted storming into her office almost smashing the door off its hinges, giving my mother a shock.

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